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Design and analysis of a configuration-based lengthwise morphing structure
Mechanism and Machine Theory ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2019.103767
Jieyu Wang , Yinjun Zhao , Fengfeng Xi , Yingzhong Tian

Abstract The ability of changing aircraft wing shape or geometry has drawn great attention of researchers in the past decades. This paper proposes a new approach to design a lengthwise morphing structure for an airfoil morphing wing. The structure is composed of n planar mechanism units. Each unit is designed to have 3 degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) that can be fully controlled by two actuators using lockable joints. This structure is reconfigurable through dual mode switching by locking specific joints. The end-effector of the mechanism can reach any desired position and the morphing wing can change to any desired shape. When locking three or four actuators, the structure turns into a statically determinate or indeterminate truss structure to withstand required loads. Force analysis for the structure during morphing motions is conducted based on statics, and an optimization method is used to determine the appropriate number of actuators and their placements. Prototypes with or without skins are fabricated to verify the feasibility of the design.



摘要 在过去的几十年里,改变飞机机翼形状或几何形状的能力引起了研究人员的极大关注。本文提出了一种设计翼型变形机翼纵向变形结构的新方法。该结构由n个平面机构单元组成。每个单元都设计为具有 3 个自由度 (DOF),可以由两个使用可锁定关节的执行器完全控制。这种结构可以通过锁定特定关节的双模式切换来重新配置。该机构的末端执行器可以到达任何所需的位置,变形翼可以改变为任何所需的形状。当锁定三个或四个执行器时,该结构会变成静态确定或不确定的桁架结构,以承受所需的载荷。变形运动过程中结构的受力分析是基于静力学进行的,并使用优化方法来确定合适的执行器数量及其位置。制造有或没有皮肤的原型以验证设计的可行性。