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Population projections of an endangered cactus suggest little impact of climate change.
Oecologia ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s00442-020-04595-y
Eugenio Larios 1, 2 , Edgar J González 3 , Philip C Rosen 4 , Ami Pate 5 , Peter Holm 5

Population projections coupled with downscaled climate projections are a powerful tool that allows predicting future population dynamics of vulnerable plants in the face of a changing climate. Traditional approaches used to predict the vulnerability of plants to climate change (e.g. species distribution models) fail to mechanistically describe the basis of a population's dynamics and thus cannot be expected to correctly predict its temporal trends. In this study, we used a 23-year demographic dataset of the acuña cactus, an endangered species, to predict its population dynamics to the end of the century. We used integral projection models to describe its vital rates and population dynamics in relation to plant volume and key climatic variables. We used the resulting climate-driven IPM along with climatic projections to predict the population growth rates from 1991 to 2099. We found the average population growth rate of this population between 1991 and 2013 to be 0.70 (95% CI 0.61-0.79). This result confirms that the population of acuña cactus has been declining and that this decline is due to demographic structure and climate conditions. However, the projection model also predicts that, up to 2080, the population will remain relatively stable mainly due to the survival of its existing adult individuals. Notwithstanding, the long-term viability of the populations can only be achieved through the recruitment of new individuals.



人口预测与缩减的气候预测相结合是一个强大的工具,可以预测面对气候变化而脆弱植物的未来种群动态。用于预测植物对气候变化的脆弱性的传统方法(例如物种分布模型)无法从机械角度描述人口动态的基础,因此不能期望正确地预测其时间趋势。在这项研究中,我们使用了濒危物种仙人掌的23年人口统计学数据集,以预测其到本世纪末的种群动态。我们使用积分投影模型来描述其生命率和种群动态与植物数量和主要气候变量的关系。我们使用由此产生的气候驱动的IPM以及气候预测来预测1991年至2099年的人口增长率。我们发现,该人口在1991年至2013年之间的平均增长率为0.70(95%CI 0.61-0.79)。该结果证实仙人掌仙人掌的数量一直在下降,并且这种下降是由于人口结构和气候条件造成的。但是,投影模型还预测,到2080年,人口将保持相对稳定,这主要是由于其现有成年个体的生存。尽管如此,人口的长期生存能力只能通过招募新人员来实现。该结果证实仙人掌仙人掌的数量一直在下降,并且这种下降是由于人口结构和气候条件造成的。但是,投影模型还预测,到2080年,人口将保持相对稳定,这主要是由于其现有成年个体的生存。尽管如此,人口的长期生存能力只能通过招募新人员来实现。该结果证实仙人掌仙人掌的数量一直在下降,并且这种下降是由于人口结构和气候条件造成的。但是,投影模型还预测,到2080年,人口将保持相对稳定,这主要是由于其现有成年个体的生存。尽管如此,人口的长期生存能力只能通过招募新人员来实现。