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Effects of fungal infection on the survival of parasitic bat flies.
Parasites & Vectors ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1186/s13071-020-3895-8
Tamara Szentiványi 1, 2 , Péter Estók 3 , Romain Pigeault 2 , Philippe Christe 2 , Olivier Glaizot 1, 2

BACKGROUND Parasites are able to alter numerous aspects of their hosts' life history, behaviour and distribution. One central question in parasitology is to determine the degree of impact that parasites have on their hosts. Laboulbeniales (Fungi: Ascomycota) are ectoparasitic fungi of arthropods. Even though these fungi are widely distributed, little is known about their ecology and their possible physiological effects on their hosts. We used a highly specific bat fly-fungi association to assess the effect of these fungal parasites on their dipteran hosts. METHODS We collected bat flies (Diptera: Nycteribiidae) belonging to two species, Nycteribia schmidlii and Penicillidia conspicua from their bat host Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae). We experimentally tested the effect of infection on the lifespan of bat flies. RESULTS The prevalence of Laboulbeniales fungi was 17.9% in N. schmidlii and 64.8% in P. conspicua. Two fungi species were identified, Arthrorhynchus eucampsipodae and A. nycteribiae, both showing strict host specificity with N. schmidlii and P. conspicua, respectively. We found that fungal infection reduced by half the survival rate of P. conspicua regardless of sex, whereas N. schmidlii was not affected by the infection. Moreover, the intensity of infection showed negative correlation with the lifespan of P. conspicua. CONCLUSIONS To our knowledge, this is the first indication that fungal infection can alter bat fly survival and thus may play a significant role in the population dynamics of these bat ectoparasites.



背景技术寄生虫能够改变其宿主的生活史,行为和分布的许多方面。寄生虫学的一个中心问题是确定寄生虫对其寄主的影响程度。Laboulbeniales(真菌:Ascomycota)是节肢动物的外寄生真菌。尽管这些真菌分布广泛,但对其生态学及其对宿主的可能生理影响知之甚少。我们使用了高度特异性的蝙蝠蝇-真菌协会来评估这些真菌寄生虫对它们的双足动物寄主的影响。方法我们从蝙蝠的寄主小翅翅目Miniopterus schreibersii(Chiroptera:Miniopteridae)收集了属于两个物种的蝙蝠蝇(Diptera:Nycteribiidae)。我们通过实验测试了感染对蝙蝠苍蝇寿命的影响。结果拉布伯氏真菌的患病率在施密特勒猪笼草中为17.9%,在疫霉菌中为64.8%。鉴定了两种真菌,常绿假单胞菌和夜曲霉,分别对施密氏猪笼草和孔雀假单胞菌都显示出严格的宿主特异性。我们发现,不论性别,真菌感染都会使斑节对虾的存活率降低一半,而施密特猪笼草不受感染的影响。此外,感染强度与斑节对虾的寿命呈负相关。结论据我们所知,这是真菌感染可以改变蝙蝠蝇存活的第一个迹象,因此可能在这些蝙蝠体外寄生虫的种群动态中起重要作用。猪中耳鼻咽喉青枯菌和夜蛾A. nycteribiae,均分别对施密德猪笼草和猪瘟疫杆菌表现出严格的宿主特异性。我们发现,不论性别,真菌感染都会使斑节对虾的存活率降低一半,而施密特猪笼草不受感染的影响。此外,感染强度与斑节对虾的寿命呈负相关。结论据我们所知,这是真菌感染可以改变蝙蝠蝇存活的第一个迹象,因此可能在这些蝙蝠体外寄生虫的种群动态中起重要作用。嗜盐气单胞菌和夜曲霉均显示出对施密德猪笼草和猪瘟疫杆菌的严格宿主特异性。我们发现,不论性别,真菌感染都会使斑节对虾的存活率降低一半,而施密特猪笼草不受感染的影响。此外,感染强度与斑节对虾的寿命呈负相关。结论据我们所知,这是真菌感染可以改变蝙蝠蝇存活的第一个迹象,因此可能在这些蝙蝠体外寄生虫的种群动态中起重要作用。schmidlii不受感染的影响。此外,感染强度与斑节对虾的寿命呈负相关。结论据我们所知,这是真菌感染可以改变蝙蝠蝇存活的第一个迹象,因此可能在这些蝙蝠体外寄生虫的种群动态中起重要作用。schmidlii不受感染的影响。此外,感染强度与斑节对虾的寿命呈负相关。结论据我们所知,这是真菌感染可以改变蝙蝠蝇存活的第一个迹象,因此可能在这些蝙蝠体外寄生虫的种群动态中起重要作用。