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Heart failure management insights from primary care physicians and allied health care providers in Southwestern Ontario.
BMC Family Practice ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1186/s12875-020-1080-y
Narlon C Boa Sorte Silva 1, 2 , Roseanne W Pulford 1 , Douglas S Lee 3, 4 , Robert J Petrella 1, 2, 5, 6

BACKGROUND It remains to be determined whether collaborative strategies to improve and sustain overall health in patients with heart failure (HF) are currently being adopted by health care professionals. We surveyed primary care physicians, nurses and allied health care professionals in Southwestern Ontario regarding how they currently manage HF patients and how they perceive limitations, barriers and challenges in achieving optimal management in these patients. METHODS We developed an online survey based on field expertise and a review of pertinent literature in HF management. We analyzed quantitative data collected via an online questionnaire powered by Qualtrics®. The survey included 87 items, including multiple choice and free text questions. We collected participant demographic and educational background, and information relating to general clinical practice and specific to HF management. The survey was 25 min long and was administered in October and November of 2018. RESULTS We included 118 health care professionals from network lists of affiliated physicians and clinics of the department of Family Medicine at Western University; 88.1% (n = 104) were physicians while 11.9% (n = 14) were identified as other health care professionals. Two-thirds of our respondents were females (n = 72) and nearly one-third were males (n = 38). The survey included mostly family physicians (n = 74) and family medicine residents (n = 25). Most respondents indicated co-managing their HF patients with other health care professionals, including cardiologists and internists. The vast majority of respondents reported preferring to manage their HF patients as part of a team rather than alone. As well, the majority respondents (n = 47) indicated being satisfied with the way they currently manage their HF patients; however, some indicated that practice set up and communication resources, followed by experience and education relating to HF guidelines, current drug therapy and medical management were important barriers to optimal management of HF patients. CONCLUSIONS Most respondents indicated HF management was satisfactory, however, a minority did identify some areas for improvement (communication systems, work more collaborative as a team, education resources and access to specialists). Future research should consider these factors in developing strategies to enhance primary care involvement in co-management of HF patients, within collaborative and multidisciplinary systems of care.



背景技术目前尚待确定医疗保健专业人员是否正在采用改善和维持心力衰竭(HF)患者的整体健康的协作策略。我们对安大略省西南部地区的初级保健医生,护士和专职医疗保健专业人员进行了调查,以了解他们目前如何治疗HF患者,以及他们如何认识到在实现这些患者最佳治疗方面的局限性,障碍和挑战。方法我们根据现场专业知识和有关HF管理的相关文献进行回顾,开发了在线调查。我们分析了通过Qualtrics®提供支持的在线问卷收集的定量数据。该调查包括87个项目,其中包括多项选择题和自由文本问题。我们收集了参与者的人口统计和教育背景,以及与一般临床实践有关且特定于心力衰竭管理的信息。该调查为时25分钟,于2018年10月和11月进行。结果我们包括来自Western University家庭医学系附属医师和诊所网络名单的118位医疗保健专业人员;88.1%(n = 104)是医生,而11.9%(n = 14)被确定为其他卫生保健专业人员。我们的受访者中有三分之二是女性(n = 72),而近三分之一是男性(n = 38)。该调查主要包括家庭医生(n = 74)和家庭医学居民(n = 25)。大多数受访者表示与其他医疗保健专业人员(包括心脏病医生和内科医生)共同管理其HF患者。绝大多数受访者表示,他们希望将HF患者作为一个团队而不是一个人来管理。同样,大多数受访者(n = 47)对他们目前治疗心衰患者的方式表示满意;但是,有些人指出,建立实践和交流资源,随后进行有关心衰指南,当前药物治疗和药物管理的经验和教育是妨碍心衰患者最佳管理的重要障碍。结论大多数受访者表示,HF管理令人满意,但是,少数人确实确定了一些需要改进的地方(通信系统,团队协作,教育资源和专家访问)。