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A resource for the detailed 3D mapping of white matter pathways in the marmoset brain
Nature Neuroscience ( IF 25.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1038/s41593-019-0575-0
Cirong Liu 1, 2 , Frank Q Ye 3 , John D Newman 1, 4 , Diego Szczupak 1, 2 , Xiaoguang Tian 1, 2 , Cecil Chern-Chyi Yen 1 , Piotr Majka 5, 6 , Daniel Glen 7 , Marcello G P Rosa 6, 8 , David A Leopold 3, 9 , Afonso C Silva 1, 2

While the fundamental importance of the white matter in supporting neuronal communication is well known, existing publications of primate brains do not feature a detailed description of its complex anatomy. The main barrier to achieving this is that existing primate neuroimaging data have insufficient spatial resolution to resolve white matter pathways fully. Here we present a resource that allows detailed descriptions of white matter structures and trajectories of fiber pathways in the marmoset brain. The resource includes: (1) the highest-resolution diffusion-weighted MRI data available to date, which reveal white matter features not previously described; (2) a comprehensive three-dimensional white matter atlas depicting fiber pathways that were either omitted or misidentified in previous atlases; and (3) comprehensive fiber pathway maps of cortical connections combining diffusion-weighted MRI tractography and neuronal tracing data. The resource, which can be downloaded from marmosetbrainmapping.org, will facilitate studies of brain connectivity and the development of tractography algorithms in the primate brain.


狨猴大脑中白质通路的详细 3D 绘图资源

虽然白质在支持神经元通讯方面的根本重要性众所周知,但现有的灵长类大脑出版物并未详细描述其复杂的解剖结构。实现这一目标的主要障碍是现有灵长类动物神经影像数据的空间分辨率不足以完全解析白质通路。在这里,我们提供了一种资源,可以详细描述狨猴大脑中的白质结构和纤维通路的轨迹。该资源包括:(1) 迄今为止可用的最高分辨率扩散加权 MRI 数据,这些数据揭示了以前未描述过的白质特征;(2) 全面的三维白质图谱,描绘了先前图谱中遗漏或错误识别的纤维路径;(3) 结合扩散加权 MRI 纤维束成像和神经元追踪数据的皮质连接综合纤维通路图。该资源可从 marmosetbrainmapping.org 下载,将促进灵长类大脑连接性的研究和纤维束成像算法的开发。
