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Impact of BD Kiestra™ InoqulA™ streaking patterns on colony isolation and turnaround time of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales surveillance samples.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection ( IF 14.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cmi.2020.01.006
C W R Cheng 1 , C H Ong 1 , D S G Chan 1


To determine if using alternative streaking patterns on the BD Kiestra InoqulA can impact colony isolation and improve turnaround time (TAT) of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales (CRE) screening samples.


A total of 1571 positive MRSA screening samples were studied, of which 755 screening plates were streaked by the standard pattern (4-Quadrant uniform S200) and 816 plates were streaked by an alternative pattern (Zigzag 3.5–1 S200). A total of 424 CRE-positive screening samples were studied, of which 211 screening plates were streaked by the standard pattern (Zigzag 2.5–1 inoc S200) and 213 plates were streaked by an alternative customized pattern (Zigzag 3.5–1 vertstreak s200).


There was a reduction in the number of MRSA screening plates with insufficient isolated colonies for confirmatory testing from 75 plates (9.9%) when using the standard pattern to 18 plates (2.2%) when using the alternative streaking pattern. MRSA cases with a TAT above 36 hours also reduced significantly from 144 (19.1%) to 20 (2.4%). The number of CRE screening plates with insufficient colonies for same-day confirmatory testing reduced from 16 (7.6%) when using the standard pattern to two plates (1.1%) when using the alternative customized pattern. CRE cases with a TAT above 36 hours also reduced from 16 (7.6%) to seven (3.3%).


The change in streaking patterns resulted in more plates with sufficient isolated colonies as well as reduced man-hours and materials required to perform subculture of mixed colonies and overall improvements in TAT.


BD Kiestra™InoqulA™划线模式对耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌和耐碳青霉烯的肠杆菌监测样品的菌落分离和周转时间的影响。


为了确定在BD Kiestra InoqulA上使用替代的划线模式是否会影响菌落的分离并改善耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)和耐碳青霉烯的肠杆菌(CRE)筛选样品的周转时间(TAT)。


共研究了1571个阳性MRSA筛查样品,其中755个筛板按标准图案(4-Quadrant均匀S200)划线,而816个板按另一种图案(Zigzag 3.5-1 S200)划线。共研究了424个CRE阳性筛查样品,其中211个筛板按标准图案(Zigzag 2.5-1 inoc S200)划线,而213个板按另一种定制样式(Zigzag 3.5-1 vertstreak s200)划线。




