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Economic impacts of fall armyworm and its management strategies: evidence from southern Ethiopia
European Review of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-10 , DOI: 10.1093/erae/jbz048
Menale Kassie 1 , Tesfamicheal Wossen 2 , Hugo De Groote 3 , Tadele Tefera 4 , Subramanian Sevgan 1 , Solomon Balew 5

This paper explores the economic implications of fall armyworm (FAW) and its management strategies by exploiting exogenous variation in FAW exposure amongst households in southern Ethiopia. We find that FAW exposure affects maize yield and sales negatively, but not consumption. Furthermore, we find evidence of crowding-in and intensification of insecticide use in response to FAW exposure. We also find suggestive evidence that existing extension service arrangements lack the capacity to deal with emerging threats such as FAW. Results imply that targeted interventions aimed at improving the effectiveness of control measures and institutional capacity would be key to reduce the adverse effects of FAW.



本文通过利用埃塞俄比亚南部家庭中秋粘虫暴露的外源变异来探讨秋粘虫 (FAW) 及其管理策略的经济影响。我们发现秋粘虫暴露对玉米产量和销售有负面影响,但对消费没有负面影响。此外,我们发现了针对秋粘虫暴露的杀虫剂使用拥挤和强化的证据。我们还发现了暗示性证据,表明现有的推广服务安排缺乏应对秋粘虫等新兴威胁的能力。结果表明,旨在提高控制措施的有效性和机构能力的有针对性的干预措施将是减少秋粘虫不利影响的关键。