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Wind resource mapping and energy estimation in complex terrain: A framework based on field observations and computational fluid dynamics
Renewable Energy ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.01.014
William Corrêa Radünz , Jussara M. Leite Mattuella , Adriane Prisco Petry

Abstract The proposed framework produces wind resource maps and estimates the energy production in complex terrain by combining computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with observations from an arbitrary number of masts. It provides a fast and comprehensive solution to the research gap that is to obtain accurate CFD inflow conditions and to mitigate the modeling error by incorporating observations to produce a wind resource map and estimate energy yield. Wind data are processed by direction bins both to initialize simulations and to combine with the latter. The wind resource map is then obtained by superposing the power density maps from each sector. Ultimately, a database containing different turbine models and hub heights is used to filter the best performing cases. Validation at two complex terrain sites reveals that the wind flow model is sufficiently accurate using the proper parameters, and that reasonable inflow conditions and assimilated wind speed fields are achieved. The framework was tested at a complex site in Brazil and was more sensitive to the number of simulated wind directions than to grid refinement. This research provides a comprehensive contribution toward wind resource mapping in complex terrain because it is computationally fast and flexible in the number of masts.



摘要 所提出的框架通过将计算流体动力学 (CFD) 与来自任意数量桅杆的观测相结合,生成风资源图并估计复杂地形中的能源生产。它为研究差距提供了一种快速而全面的解决方案,即获得准确的 CFD 流入条件并通过结合观察来生成风资源图和估计能量产量来减少建模错误。风数据由方向箱处理以初始化模拟并与后者结合。然后通过叠加来自每个扇区的功率密度图来获得风资源图。最终,包含不同涡轮机模型和轮毂高度的数据库用于筛选性能最佳的情况。在两个复杂地形地点的验证表明,使用适当参数的风流模型足够准确,并且实现了合理的流入条件和同化风速场。该框架在巴西的一个复杂地点进行了测试,它对模拟风向的数量比对网格细化更敏感。这项研究为复杂地形中的风资源制图提供了全面的贡献,因为它在计算上快速且桅杆数量灵活。