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A multi-layered blockchain framework for smart mobility data-markets
arXiv - CS - Computers and Society Pub Date : 2019-06-14 , DOI: arxiv-1906.06435
David Lopez and Bilal Farooq

Blockchain has the potential to render the transaction of information more secure and transparent. Nowadays, transportation data are shared across multiple entities using heterogeneous mediums, from paper collected data to smartphone. Most of this data are stored in central servers that are susceptible to hacks. In some cases shady actors who may have access to such sources, share the mobility data with unwanted third parties. A multi-layered Blockchain framework for Smart Mobility Data-market (BSMD) is presented for addressing the associated privacy, security, management, and scalability challenges. Each participant shares their encrypted data to the blockchain network and can transact information with other participants as long as both parties agree to the transaction rules issued by the owner of the data. Data ownership, transparency, auditability and access control are the core principles of the proposed blockchain for smart mobility data-market. In a case study of real-time mobility data sharing, we demonstrate the performance of BSMD on a 370 nodes blockchain running on heterogeneous and geographically-separated devices communicating on a physical network. We also demonstrate how BSMD ensures the cybersecurity and privacy of individual by safeguarding against spoofing and message interception attacks and providing information access management control.



区块链有可能使信息交易更加安全和透明。如今,交通数据使用异构媒体在多个实体之间共享,从纸质收集的数据到智能手机。大多数这些数据存储在容易受到黑客攻击的中央服务器中。在某些情况下,可能有权访问此类来源的可疑行为者会与不受欢迎的第三方共享移动数据。提出了用于智能移动数据市场 (BSMD) 的多层区块链框架,用于解决相关的隐私、安全、管理和可扩展性挑战。每个参与者将他们的加密数据共享到区块链网络,只要双方同意数据所有者发布的交易规则,就可以与其他参与者进行信息交易。数据所有权、透明度、可审计性和访问控制是为智能移动数据市场提议的区块链的核心原则。在实时移动数据共享的案例研究中,我们展示了 BSMD 在 370 个节点区块链上的性能,该区块链运行在物理网络上通信的异构和地理上分离的设备上。我们还展示了 BSMD 如何通过防止欺骗和消息拦截攻击以及提供信息访问管理控制来确保个人的网络安全和隐私。