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Incorporating flexibility requirements into distribution system expansion planning studies based on regulatory policies
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2019.105769
Sahand Karimi-Arpanahi , Mohammad Jooshaki , Moein Moeini-Aghtaie , Ali Abbaspour , Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad

Abstract Increasing penetration of renewable energy sources with intermittent generation calls for further flexibility requirements for efficient as well as the safe operation of power systems. Considering the significant growth of distributed energy resources in distribution systems, a promising approach to fulfill such requirements is to deploy local flexibility sources at the distribution level. Nonetheless, due to the monopoly nature of electricity distribution business, effective regulations are required to direct distribution companies toward fulfilling such goals. Accordingly, this paper aims at proposing various policies to motivate distribution companies to enhance the flexibility of their networks. In order to assess the effectiveness of these rules, we present a novel multi-stage distribution expansion planning model considering flexibility requirements. In this model, installation of conventional dispatchable distributed generation units and battery energy storage systems, as well as demand response programs, are considered available flexibility sources for distribution system planners. The proposed framework is applied to a test distribution network with 18 nodes, and the obtained results are thoroughly discussed. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to assess the effects of the key parameters of the proposed model on expansion planning of the test system.



摘要 随着间歇性发电的可再生能源渗透率的增加,对电力系统的高效和安全运行提出了进一步的灵活性要求。考虑到配电系统中分布式能源的显着增长,满足此类要求的一种有前景的方法是在配电级别部署本地灵活性资源。尽管如此,由于配电业务的垄断性质,需要有效的法规来引导配电公司实现这些目标。因此,本文旨在提出各种政策来激励配电公司提高其网络的灵活性。为了评估这些规则的有效性,我们提出了一种考虑灵活性要求的新型多阶段配电扩展规划模型。在这个模型中,安装传统的可调度分布式发电机组和电池储能系统,以及需求响应程序,被认为是配电系统规划人员可用的灵活性来源。将所提出的框架应用于具有 18 个节点的测试配电网络,并对获得的结果进行了深入讨论。最后,进行敏感性分析以评估所提出模型的关键参数对测试系统扩展规划的影响。被认为是配电系统规划人员可用的灵活性来源。将所提出的框架应用于具有 18 个节点的测试配电网络,并对获得的结果进行了深入讨论。最后,进行敏感性分析以评估所提出模型的关键参数对测试系统扩展规划的影响。被认为是配电系统规划人员可用的灵活性来源。将所提出的框架应用于具有 18 个节点的测试配电网络,并对获得的结果进行了深入讨论。最后,进行敏感性分析以评估所提出模型的关键参数对测试系统扩展规划的影响。