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A refinement of choosability of graphs
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jctb.2019.07.006
Xuding Zhu

Assume k is a positive integer, λ={k1,k2,,kq} is a partition of k and G is a graph. A λ-assignment of G is a k-assignment L of G such that the colour set vV(G)L(v) can be partitioned into q subsets C1C2Cq and for each vertex v of G, |L(v)Ci|=ki. We say G is λ-choosable if for each λ-assignment L of G, G is L-colourable. It follows from the definition that if λ={k}, then λ-choosable is the same as k-choosable, if λ={1,1,,1}, then λ-choosable is equivalent to k-colourable. For the other partitions of k sandwiched between {k} and {1,1,,1} in terms of refinements, λ-choosability reveals a complex hierarchy of colourability of graphs. We prove that for two partitions λ,λ of k, every λ-choosable graph is λ-choosable if and only if λ is a refinement of λ. Then we study λ-choosability of special families of graphs. The Four Colour Theorem says that every planar graph is {1,1,1,1}-choosable. A very recent result of Kemnitz and Voigt implies that for any partition λ of 4 other than {1,1,1,1}, there is a planar graph which is not λ-choosable. We observe that, in contrast to the fact that there are non-4-choosable 3-chromatic planar graphs, every 3-chromatic planar graph is {1,3}-choosable, and that if G is a planar graph whose dual G has a connected spanning Eulerian subgraph, then G is {2,2}-choosable. We prove that if n is a positive even integer, λ is a partition of n1 in which each part is at most 3, then Kn is edge λ-choosable. Finally we study relations between λ-choosability of graphs and colouring of signed graphs and generalized signed graphs. A conjecture of Máčajová, Raspaud and Škoviera that every planar graph is signed 4-colcourable is recently disproved by Kardoš and Narboni. We prove that every signed 4-colourable graph is weakly 4-choosable, and every signed Z4-colourable graph is {1,1,2}-choosable. The later result combined with the above result of Kemnitz and Voigt disproves a conjecture of Kang and Steffen that every planar graph is signed Z4-colourable. We shall show that a graph constructed by Wegner in 1973 is also a counterexample to Kang and Steffen's conjecture, and present a new construction of a non-{1,3}-choosable planar graphs.



假设k是一个正整数,λ={ķ1个ķ2ķq}是一个分区ķG ^是一个曲线图。甲λ的-assignment ģķ -assignment大号ģ使得颜色集合vVG大号v可以分为q个子集C1个C2Cq并为每个顶点vģ|大号vC一世|=ķ一世。我们说λ -choosable如果每个λ -assignment大号大号-colourable。从定义可以得出,如果λ={ķ},则λ- choosable与k -choosable相同,如果λ={1个1个1个},则λ- chooseable等效于k -colorable。对于k之间的其他分区{ķ}{1个1个1个}在细化方面,λ-选择能力揭示了图的可着色性的复杂层次。我们证明对于两个分区λλk,每个λ-选择图是λ-仅当且仅当 λλ的细化。然后,我们研究图的特殊族的λ选择性。四色定理说每个平面图都是{1个1个1个1个}-可选择。Kemnitz和Voigt的最新结果表明,对于除4以外的任何λ分区{1个1个1个1个},有一个平面图,它不是λ选择的。我们观察到,与存在非4选择的3色平面图相反,每个3色平面图都是{1个3}-可选择的,如果G是一个平面图,其对偶G有一个连通的跨欧拉子图,那么G{22}-可选择。我们证明如果n是一个正偶数整数,则λñ-1个 其中每个部分最多为3,则 ķñ可以选择边λ。最后,我们研究了图的λ-选择性与有符号图和广义有符号图的着色之间的关系。Máčajová,Raspaud和Škoviera的一个猜想是,每个平面图都是4色签名的,最近Kardoš和Narboni对此进行了反驳。我们证明每个带符号的4色图都是弱4可选择的,并且每个带符号的ž4-彩色图形是 {1个1个2}-可选择。后面的结果与Kemnitz和Voigt的上述结果相结合,反证了Kang和Steffen的猜想,即每个平面图都是有符号的ž4-彩色的。我们将证明,韦格纳(Wegner)在1973年构造的图也是康和斯蒂芬猜想的反例,并提出了一种非{1个3}-可选择的平面图。
