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Exploratory ranking analysis of brackish groundwater desalination for sustainable agricultural production: A case study of the Arava Valley in Israel
Journal of Arid Environments ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2019.104078
Beni Lew , Olga Tarnapolski , Yiftah Afgin , Yossi Portal , Timea Ignat , Vladimir Yudachev , Amos Bick

Abstract Management of environmental resources presents challenges across agricultural production. In the case of the semi-arid region of Arava Valley in Israel irrigation with groundwater brackish water is a widespread practice that has severe limitations. In this research studies are taking place for brackish groundwater upgrading for unrestricted use for irrigation and sustainable agricultural production. The treatment system applies two main treatment stages: nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membrane process and, the pilot system with the capacity of around 1 m3/h. Different mixtures of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis, Brackish and potable permeates are then applied for irrigation of pepper crops. The field results together with the graphical visualization approach using Hasse diagram technique show that the conventional brackish feed water produces good revenue about fruit weight, fruit diameter, and fruit length. A membrane treatment using nanofiltration and reverse osmosis yields an increase in production (more fruit number). Extension of the research at the field level may aid to optimize irrigation use strategy to increase the food production.



摘要 环境资源管理对农业生产提出了挑战。在以色列阿拉瓦谷的半干旱地区,用地下水微咸水灌溉是一种普遍的做法,但有严重的局限性。在这项研究中,正在对微咸地下水升级进行研究,以便不受限制地用于灌溉和可持续农业生产。该处理系统采用两个主要处理阶段:纳滤和反渗透膜工艺,中试系统处理能力约为 1 m3/h。然后应用纳滤和反渗透、微咸水和可饮用渗透液的不同混合物来灌溉辣椒作物。现场结果以及使用 Hasse 图技术的图形可视化方法表明,传统的微咸水给水在果实重量、果实直径和果实长度方面产生了良好的收益。使用纳滤和反渗透的膜处理可提高产量(更多果实)。扩大田间水平的研究可能有助于优化灌溉使用策略以增加粮食产量。