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Application of monitoring guidelines to induced seismicity in Italy
Journal of Seismology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10950-019-09901-7
Thomas Braun , Stefania Danesi , Andrea Morelli

Public concern about anthropogenic seismicity in Italy first arose in the aftermath of the deadly M ≈ 6 earthquakes that hit the Emilia-Romagna region (northern Italy) in May 2012. As these events occurred in a (tectonically active) region of oil and gas production and storage, the question was raised, whether stress perturbations due to underground industrial activities could have induced or triggered the shocks. Following expert recommendations, in 2014, the Italian Oil & Gas Safety Authority (DGS-UNMIG, Ministry of Economic Development) published guidelines (ILG - Indirizzi e linee guida per il monitoraggio della sismicità, delle deformazioni del suolo e delle pressioni di poro nell’ambito delle attività antropiche), describing regulations regarding hydrocarbon extraction, waste-water injection and gas storage that could also be adapted to other technologies, such as dams, geothermal systems, CO2 storage, and mining. The ILG describe the framework for the different actors involved in monitoring activities, their relationship and responsibilities, the procedure to be followed in case of variations of monitored parameters, the need for in-depth scientific analyses, the definition of different alert levels, their meaning and the parameters to be used to activate such alerts. Four alert levels are defined, the transition among which follows a decision to be taken jointly by relevant authorities and industrial operator on the basis of evaluation of several monitored parameters (micro-seismicity, ground deformation, pore pressure) carried on by a scientific-technical agency. Only in the case of liquid reinjection, the alert levels are automatically activated on the basis of exceedance of thresholds for earthquake magnitude and ground shaking – in what is generally known as a Traffic Light System (TLS). Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia has been charged by the Italian oil and gas safety authority (DGS-UNMIG) to apply the ILG in three test cases (two oil extraction and one gas storage plants). The ILG indeed represent a very important and positive innovation, as they constitute official guidelines to coherently regulate monitoring activity on a national scale. While pilot studies are still mostly under way, we may point out merits of the whole framework, and a few possible critical issues, requiring special care in the implementation. Attention areas of adjacent reservoirs, possibly licenced to different operators, may overlap, hence making the point for joint monitoring, also in view of the possible interaction between stress changes related to the different reservoirs. The prescribed initial blank-level monitoring stage, aimed at assessing background seismicity, may lose significance in case of nearby active production. Magnitude – a critical parameter used to define a possible step-up in activation levels – has inherent uncertainty and can be evaluated using different scales. A final comment considers the fact that relevance of TLS, most frequently used in hydraulic fracturing operations, may not be high in case of triggered tectonic events.



公众对意大利人为地震活动的关注始于2012年5月袭击艾米利亚-罗马涅大区(意大利北部)的致命M≈6级地震。这些事件发生在油气生产(构造活跃)地区在存储方面,人们提出了一个问题,即地下工业活动引起的应力扰动是否会引发或引发冲击。根据专家的建议,2014年,意大利石油和天然气安全局(DGS-UNMIG,经济发展部)发布了指导方针(ILG-监控线,监控器和监控器) ambito delleattivitàantropiche),说明有关碳氢化合物开采,废水注入和气体存储的法规,这些法规也可能适用于其他技术,例如大坝,地热系统,CO 2储存和采矿。ILG描述了参与监视活动的不同参与者的框架,它们之间的关系和职责,在监视参数发生变化时应遵循的程序,需要进行深入的科学分析,不同警报级别的定义及其含义以及用于激活此类警报的参数。定义了四个警报级别,其中过渡由相关部门和工业操作人员根据科学技术人员对多个监测参数(微地震,地面变形,孔隙压力)进行评估后共同决定机构。仅在液体回注的情况下,国家地理地理研究所意大利石油和天然气安全局(DGS-UNMIG)已责令将ILG用于三个测试案例(两个采油和一个储气库)。ILG确实是一项非常重要且积极的创新,因为它们构成了在全国范围内一致地规范监控活动的官方指南。尽管仍在进行初步研究,但我们可能会指出整个框架的优点,以及一些可能的关键问题,在实施过程中需要特别注意。可能会授权给不同操作员的相邻油藏的关注区域可能会重叠,因此,考虑到与不同油藏相关的应力变化之间可能存在的相互作用,这也成为进行联合监控的重点。规定的初始空白水平监测阶段,旨在评估背景地震活动,在附近活跃生产的情况下可能会失去意义。幅度(用于定义激活级别可能提高的关键参数)具有固有的不确定性,可以使用不同的标度进行评估。最后的评论考虑到以下事实:在触发构造事件的情况下,水力压裂作业中最常使用的TLS的相关性可能不高。
