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Meet the First Author.
Circulation Research ( IF 20.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1161/res.0000000000000320

Eric Schoger graduated from the University of Goettingen, Germany, with a BS in Molecular Medicine and MS in Cardiovascular Science and is currently a PhD student in Laura Zelarayan’s laboratory at the University Medical Center Goettingen. He joined Dr Zelarayan’s group during his undergraduate studies and investigated heart-specific regulators of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in the embryonic and adult heart. For his master’s thesis, he joined Eric Olson’s laboratory at UT Southwestern to establish the cardiomyocyte-specific CRISPRa mouse model as a collaborative project. With this tool, he continues to activate gene programs to identify targets preventing heart failure progression. In his free time, he enjoys travelling, volunteers at the Red Cross, and tries to master his cooking skills. He can be found on Twitter @schogerandspice.

Christian Boada is finishing up his PhD at Monterrey Tec in Mexico, where he also earned his BA in biosciences. His graduate work mainly focused on the application of biomimetic nanoparticles for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. He is currently working as a postgraduate associate at Duke University, focusing on the application of biomimetic nanoparticles towards achieving long-term transplant tolerance. Christian’s research interests include nanotechonology, cardiovascular disease, and the investigation of immunological modulation by biomimetic particles. The manuscript in this issue represents the culmination of a long road that begun as a single experiment (inherited from a departing lab member) that was met with a lot of skepticism initially. In addition to his research, Christian enjoys exploring the intersection between art and science, as well as scientific illustration, providing cover images as well as figures for colleagues. Some of his work can be found at vizualscientist.com. He can be found on Twitter @VizualScientist.

Dr Felipe Paredes grew up in the south of Chile, where he earned a BS in Biochemistry from the University of Conception. Later, he earned his PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Chile, focusing on understanding the role of endoplasmic reticulum oxidative stress in the regulation of mitochondrial function. In 2016, he moved to the US where he began working in the laboratory of Dr Alejandra San Martin in the Division of Cardiology at Emory University in Atlanta. During his tenure as a postdoctoral fellow, Dr Paredes has worked on elucidating the role of the mitochondrial protein Poldip2 in the regulation of bioenergetics and cell metabolism. He is passionate about the lab and his main research interest is in exploring the connection between proteasome function and the regulation of metabolism. Outside of the laboratory, Felipe loves to cook and spend time with his family and their new puppy, Picadillo.

Dr Anja Karlstaedt is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Division of Cardiology, McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Dr Karlstaedt earned her doctoral and medical degrees from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin in Germany, where she worked in the laboratories of Dr Hermann-Georg Holzhütter and Dr Vera Regitz-Zagrosek focusing on the metabolic stress response in the heart. She developed CardioNet (Karlstädt et al, 2012), the first genome-scale metabolic network of mammalian cardiac metabolism. In 2014, Dr Karlstaedt joined the laboratory of Dr Heinrich Taegtmeyer at McGovern Medical School, renowned for its expertise in cardiac metabolism and isolated working heart perfusions. Using systems biology approaches, she discovered that the oncometabolite D-2-hydroxyglutarate causes contractile dysfunction and epigenetic remodelling in the heart. With the support of an NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00), she wants to establish her own laboratory to study how metabolic stress derived from cancers drives the development of heart failure. Her goal is to develop therapeutic strategies that target the tumour while protecting the heart. In her spare time, Dr Karlstaedt enjoys playing the cello, learning new languages (she already speaks Danish and Japanese), and building robots using Raspberry Pi.

Dr Patricia R. Souza earned her MS in 2012 from the Federal University of Minas Gerais/Brazil. In 2013, she started her PhD at WHRI/United Kingdom (mentor, Dr Mauro Perretti). Soon after earning her doctoral degree, she joined Dr Jesmond Dalli’s team to investigate the role of specialized proresolving mediators (SPM) in regulating innate and adaptive immune responses in rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular disease. Patricia loves the idea that one day she will be part of a discovery that will help transform the lives of people living with chronic inflammatory disorders. In the meantime, together with her beloved husband, she is focused on helping their daughter discover a new world every day.

Dr Raquel Marques is a biochemist specializing in immunology. She earned her BS in 2007 from the Faculty of Science, University of Porto, Portugal. In 2014, she completed her PhD with a focus on the molecular and cellular immune mechanisms in the pathogenesis of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto, under the supervision of Dr Paula Ferreira Proença. She then moved to the Unit for Multidisciplinary Research in Biomedicine, University of Porto, where she focused on mechanisms involved in the resolution of inflammation and how these become disrupted in chronic inflammatory conditions. In 2016, she moved to London to join Dr Jesmond Dalli and his team at William Harvey Research Institute, the Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry and Queen Mary College. Since then her work has been focused on the role of proresolving mediators in regulating both innate and adaptive immunity.

Dr Stephanie T. Chung is originally from Kingston, Jamaica. She is a board-certified internist and pediatric endocrinologist, Co-Director of the Metabolic Research Unit in the Intramural Program of the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at The George Washington University School of Medicine. She earned her M.B.B.S(Hons) from the University of the West Indies Medical School, completed her residency training at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, and her fellowship training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Her combined clinical and research goals are to reduce diabetes health disparities across the lifespan by improving diabetes risk stratification and management, especially in women and underrepresented minority populations. Throughout her early career as a physician scientist, she has been a staunch advocate and mentor for aspiring young scientists from all backgrounds. Though often elusive, she strives to achieve work-life balance and enjoys running, hiking, and baking with her three children.



埃里克·肖格毕业于德国哥廷根大学,获得分子医学学士学位和心血管科学硕士学位,目前是哥廷根大学医学中心劳拉·兹拉拉扬实验室的博士研究生。在本科学习期间,他加入了Zelarayan博士的小组,并研究了胚胎和成年心脏中Wnt /β-catenin信号传导的心脏特异性调节剂。对于他的硕士论文,他加入了UT Southwestern的Eric Olson的实验室,建立了作为合作项目的心肌特异性CRISPRa小鼠模型。借助此工具,他继续激活基因程序,以识别可预防心力衰竭进展的靶标。在业余时间,他喜欢旅行,在红十字会当志愿者,并试图掌握他的烹饪技能。可以在Twitter @schogerandspice上找到他。

克里斯蒂安·博阿达(Christian Boada)正在墨西哥蒙特雷技术学院攻读博士学位,并在那里获得了生物科学学士学位。他的研究生工作主要致力于仿生纳米颗粒在心血管疾病治疗中的应用。他目前在杜克大学(Duke University)担任研究生助理,专注于仿生纳米颗粒在实现长期移植耐受性方面的应用。Christian的研究兴趣包括纳米技术,心血管疾病以及仿生颗粒对免疫调节的研究。本期的手稿代表了一条漫长的道路的高潮,该道路始于单个实验(从一个即将离任的实验室成员继承),最初遭到了很多怀疑。除了研究之外,克里斯蒂安(Christian)还喜欢探索艺术与科学之间的交集,以及科学插图,为同事提供封面图像和图形。他的一些作品可以在vizualscientist.com上找到。可以在Twitter @VizualScientist上找到他。

费利佩·帕雷德斯博士他在智利南部长大,在那里他获得了概念大学的生物化学学士学位。后来,他在智利大学获得了生物化学博士学位,重点是了解内质网氧化应激在调节线粒体功能中的作用。2016年,他移居美国,开始在亚特兰大埃默里大学心脏病学系的Alejandra San Martin博士的实验室工作。在担任博士后研究员期间,Paredes博士致力于阐明线粒体蛋白Poldip2在调节生物能和细胞代谢中的作用。他对实验室充满热情,他的主要研究兴趣是探索蛋白酶体功能与代谢调节之间的联系。在实验室外面

Anja Karlstaedt博士目前是德克萨斯州休斯敦大学健康科学中心麦戈文医学院的心脏病学系的博士后研究员。Karlstaedt博士在德国柏林慈善大学获得博士学位和医学学位,在那里她曾在Hermann-GeorgHolzhütter博士和Vera Regitz-Zagrosek博士的实验室工作,专注于心脏的代谢应激反应。她开发了CardioNet(Karlstädt等人,2012),这是哺乳动物心脏代谢的第一个基因组规模的代谢网络。2014年,卡尔斯塔德(Karlstaedt)博士加入了麦戈文医学院(McGovern Medical School)的海因里希·泰格迈尔(Heinrich Taegtmeyer)博士的实验室,该实验室以其在心脏代谢和离体心脏灌注方面的专业知识而闻名。使用系统生物学方法,她发现oncometabolite D-2-hydroxyglutarate会导致心脏收缩功能障碍和表观遗传重塑。在美国国立卫生研究院独立途径奖(K99 / R00)的支持下,她希望建立自己的实验室,研究癌症衍生的代谢压力如何驱动心力衰竭的发展。她的目标是制定针对肿瘤的治疗策略,同时保护心脏。业余时间,Karlstaedt博士喜欢演奏大提琴,学习新语言(她已经讲丹麦语和日语),以及使用Raspberry Pi构建机器人。她的目标是制定针对肿瘤的治疗策略,同时保护心脏。业余时间,Karlstaedt博士喜欢演奏大提琴,学习新语言(她已经讲丹麦语和日语),以及使用Raspberry Pi构建机器人。她的目标是制定针对肿瘤的治疗策略,同时保护心脏。业余时间,Karlstaedt博士喜欢演奏大提琴,学习新语言(她已经讲丹麦语和日语),以及使用Raspberry Pi构建机器人。

Patricia R. Souza博士于2012年从米纳斯吉拉斯州/巴西联邦大学获得硕士学位。2013年,她在WHRI /英国开始了博士学位(导师Mauro Perretti博士)。在获得博士学位后不久,她加入Jesmond Dalli博士的团队,研究专门的促溶介质(SPM)在调节类风湿性关节炎和心血管疾病的先天性和适应性免疫反应中的作用。帕特里夏(Patricia)喜欢这一想法,有一天她将成为一项发现的一部分,这一发现将有助于改变患有慢性炎症性疾病的人们的生活。同时,她与她挚爱的丈夫一起致力于帮助他们的女儿每天发现一个新世界。

拉奎尔·马克斯博士是专门研究免疫学的生物化学家。她于2007年获得葡萄牙波尔图大学理学院的理学学士学位。2014年,她在保拉·费雷拉·普罗恩萨(Paula FerreiraProença)博士的指导下,在波尔图大学生物医学科学研究所阿贝尔·萨拉扎(Abel Salazar)攻读了博士学位,重点研究了兔出血性疾病发病机理中的分子和细胞免疫机制。然后,她搬到了波尔图大学生物医学多学科研究部门,在那里她致力于解决炎症的机制以及这些机制在慢性炎症条件下如何被破坏。2016年,她移居伦敦,加入了威廉·哈维研究所(William Harvey Research Institute),巴茨和伦敦医学与牙科学院以及玛丽大学(Queen Mary College)的Jesmond Dalli博士及其团队。

