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Socio-demographic characteristics associated with hospitalization for sepsis among adults in Canada: a Census-linked cohort study.
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s12630-019-01536-z
Deirdre A Hennessy 1, 2 , Andrea Soo 3 , Daniel J Niven 2, 3 , Rachel J Jolley 2, 3 , Juan Posadas-Calleja 3 , Henry T Stelfox 2, 3 , Christopher J Doig 2, 3

PURPOSE Sepsis is a considerable health system burden. Population-based epidemiological surveillance of sepsis is limited to basic data available in administrative databases. We sought to determine if routinely collected Census data, linked to hospitalization data, can provide a broad socio-demographic profile of patients admitted to Canadian hospitals with sepsis. METHODS Linking the 2006 long-form Canadian Census (most recent available for linkage) to the Discharge Abstract Data from 2006/2007 to 2008/2009, we created a population-based cohort of approximately 3,433,900 Canadians. Patients admitted to hospital with sepsis were identified using the Canadian Institute for Health Information administrative data definition. Age-standardized hospital admission rates for sepsis were calculated. Multivariable modelling was used to examine the relationship between Census characteristics and hospitalization with sepsis. RESULTS Of those individuals successfully linked to the 2006 long-form Canadian Census, 10,400 patients of 18 yr and older were admitted to hospital with sepsis between the fiscal years 2006/2007 and 2008/2009. These individuals represented a weighted count of approximately 49,000 Canadians from all provinces and territories, excluding Quebec. The age-standardized rate of sepsis hospitalization was 96 cases/100,000 population. Of these, 37/100,000 cases were classified as severe sepsis. The association of Census characteristics with sepsis hospitalization varied with age. In all age-specific models, male sex, never being married, visible minority status, having functional limitations, and not being in the labour force were associated with an increased odds of hospital admission. CONCLUSIONS Census data identified broad socio-demographic risk factors for admission to hospital with sepsis. Consideration should be given to incorporating Census data linked to administrative hospital data in population-based epidemiologic surveillance.



目的败血症是卫生系统的一大负担。基于败血症的人群流行病学监测仅限于管理数据库中可用的基本数据。我们试图确定与住院数据相关的常规普查人口普查数据是否可以为加拿大败血症医院收治的患者提供广泛的社会人口统计学资料。方法将2006/2007年至2008/2009年加拿大长期人口普查(最新数据可链接到)与排放摘要数据相关联,我们创建了一个基于人群的队列,该队列约有3,433,900加拿大人。使用加拿大卫生信息研究所的行政数据定义来确定因败血症入院的患者。计算败血症的年龄标准化医院入院率。多变量模型用于检查人口普查特征与败血症住院之间的关系。结果在与2006年加拿大长期人口普查成功相关的那些人中,有10400例18岁及以上的患者在2006/2007财政年度至2008/2009财政年度因败血症入院。这些人代表了来自魁北克省以外所有省和地区的大约49,000名加拿大人的加权人数。脓毒症住院患者的年龄标准化率为96例/ 10万人口。其中,37 / 100,000病例被分类为严重败血症。人口普查特征与败血症住院的相关性随年龄而变化。在所有特定年龄段的模型中,男性,从未结婚,可见的少数群体身份,功能受限,而没有参加劳动力与住院的几率增加有关。结论人口普查数据确定了败血症住院的广泛社会人口统计学危险因素。应考虑将人口普查数据与行政医院数据相链接,纳入基于人群的流行病学监测中。