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Dopamine stimulation of the septum enhances exercise efficiency during complicated treadmill running in mice.
The Journal of Physiological Sciences ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s12576-019-00722-4
Tetsuya Shiuchi 1 , Takuya Masuda 1, 2 , Noriyuki Shimizu 1 , Sachiko Chikahisa 1 , Hiroyoshi Séi 1

We aimed to identify the neurotransmitters and brain regions involved in exercise efficiency in mice during continuous complicated exercises. Male C57BL/6J mice practiced treadmill running with intermittent obstacles on a treadmill for 8 days. Oxygen uptake (VO2) during treadmill running was measured as exercise efficiency. After obstacle exercise training, the VO2 measured during treadmill running with obstacles decreased significantly. Obstacle exercise-induced c-Fos expressions and dopamine turnover (DOPAC/dopamine) in the septum after obstacle exercise training were significantly higher than that before training. The dopamine turnover was correlated with exercise efficiency on the 3rd day after exercise training. Furthermore, the training effect on exercise efficiency was significantly decreased by injection of dopamine receptor antagonists into the septum and was associated with decreased c-Fos expressions in the septum and hippocampus of the mice. These results suggest that dopaminergic function in the septum is involved in exercise efficiency during continuous complicated exercises.



我们旨在确定在连续复杂运动过程中与运动效率有关的神经递质和大脑区域。雄性C57BL / 6J小鼠在跑步机上练习跑步时遇到间歇性障碍,持续8天。测量跑步机跑步过程中的摄氧量(VO2)作为运动效率。经过障碍运动训练后,跑步机在有障碍物的情况下测得的VO2值明显降低。障碍运动训练后,运动障碍引起的c-Fos表达和多巴胺转换(DOPAC /多巴胺)明显高于训练前。运动训练后的第三天,多巴胺转换与运动效率相关。此外,通过向隔膜中注射多巴胺受体拮抗剂可以显着降低对运动效率的训练效果,并且与小鼠隔膜和海马中c-Fos表达的降低有关。这些结果表明,在连续的复杂运动过程中,隔膜的多巴胺能功能与运动效率有关。