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Efficacy of sarolaner on the treatment of myiasis caused by Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in dogs.
Veterinary Parasitology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2019.108966
Priscila Cardim de Oliveira 1 , Gabriela Pereira Salça de Almeida 1 , Jaime Dias Cardoso 1 , Renan Bernardes Tavares 1 , Júlio Israel Fernandes 2 , Thaís Ribeiro Correia 1 , Guilherme Gomes Verocai 3 , Fabio Barbour Scott 1

The aim of this study was to evaluate the larval expulsion, larvicidal effect, retention rate of dead larvae and overall efficacy of sarolaner on the treatment of myiasis caused by New World screwworm Cochliomyia hominivorax in naturally infested dogs. Eight Beagle dogs received a single dose of saroalner 40 mg, with dosage ranging from 2.7 mg/kg to 3.7 mg/kg. Evaluations occurred every 15 min in the first hour, every hour for up to 6 h, and after 24 h of treatment. At 24 h post-treatment, total wound cleaning was performed, including removal and counting of remaining live and dead larvae. The animals received antibiotic, analgesic and wound cleaning support until complete wound healing. The average expulsion of the larvae was 50.9 % occurring mainly after 4 h of treatment. The larvicidal effect was 70.6 % at 6 h after treatment and 100 % at 24 h. The mean retention rate of dead larvae of sarolaner was 33.9 %, The overall efficacy was 100 %, thus making sarolaner an excellent treatment option in myiasis caused by C. hominivorax larvae in dogs.



这项研究的目的是评估幼虫的驱逐,幼虫作用,幼虫的死率保留率以及sarolaner在治疗新感染的自然界犬的新世界螺虫Cochliomyia hominivorax引起的肌病方面的整体功效。八只比格犬接受了单剂量的saroalner 40 mg,剂量范围为2.7 mg / kg至3.7 mg / kg。在治疗的第一个小时中,每隔15分钟进行一次评估,每小时进行一次长达6小时,在治疗后24小时进行一次。治疗后24小时,进行了全面伤口清洁,包括清除并计数剩余的活幼虫和死幼虫。动物接受抗生素,止痛药和伤口清洁支持,直到伤口完全愈合。幼虫的平均排出率为50.9%,主要在处理4小时后发生。杀幼虫效果在治疗后6 h为70.6%,在24 h为100%。