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Seed density affects post-dispersal seed predation: evidence from a seed removal experiment of 62 species.
Integrative Zoology ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12421
Bo Wang 1, 2

Post‐dispersal seed predation plays an important role in plant demography and biodiversity maintenance. However, the effects of seed density on seed predation from previous studies have been inconsistent. We dissected the effects of density on the 2‐step processes of seed predation using 101 520 seeds from 62 plant species in an alpine pine forest for 3 consecutive years. In this study we explained the current controversy surrounding the effects of density on seed predation. Seed encounter frequency (at least 1 seed being predated from an experiment depot) showed positive density dependence, while seed exploitation (the proportion of seeds being predated of the encountered depots) showed negative density dependence. Both density effects showed a consistent trend but with different magnitudes of effect across years. Final seed predation is the combination of seed encounter and seed exploitation. Final seed predation could be either positively or negatively density‐dependent and was contingent on the magnitude of the difference between positive density‐dependent seed encounter and negative density‐dependent seed exploitation. Our results also indicated that studies including only a few species would produce biased results, because the density effect on seed predation differed greatly among plant species. Future studies should include a large number of plant species that possess a wide range of diverse seed traits to avoid potential bias and produce more comprehensive and accurate results.



分散后的种子捕食在植物人口统计和生物多样性维护中起着重要作用。然而,先前研究中种子密度对种子捕食的影响一直不一致。我们连续三年使用来自62种植物的101 520种种子,剖析了密度对种子捕食两步过程的影响。在这项研究中,我们解释了当前有关密度对种子捕食的影响的争议。种子遇到频率(至少1个种子来自实验仓库)显示出正的密度依赖性,而种子开发(种子遇到的仓库中所占的比例)显示出负的密度依赖性。两种密度效应都显示出一致的趋势,但多年来的效应程度不同。最终的种子捕食是种子遭遇和种子开发的结合。最终的种子捕食可能与密度呈正相关或负相关,并且取决于正密度依赖的种子遭遇与负密度依赖的种子开采之间差异的大小。我们的研究结果还表明,仅包括少数几个物种的研究就会产生有偏见的结果,因为植物物种对种子捕食的密度影响差异很大。未来的研究应包括大量具有各种种子性状的植物物种,以避免潜在的偏见并产生更全面,准确的结果。最终的种子捕食可能与密度呈正相关或负相关,并且取决于正密度依赖的种子遭遇与负密度依赖的种子开采之间差异的大小。我们的研究结果还表明,仅包括少数几个物种的研究就会产生有偏见的结果,因为不同物种之间对种子捕食的密度影响差异很大。未来的研究应包括大量具有各种种子性状的植物物种,以避免潜在的偏见并产生更全面,准确的结果。最终的种子捕食可能与密度呈正相关或负相关,并且取决于正密度依赖的种子遭遇与负密度依赖的种子开采之间差异的大小。我们的研究结果还表明,仅包括少数几个物种的研究会产生偏差的结果,因为不同物种对种子捕食的密度影响差异很大。未来的研究应包括大量具有各种种子性状的植物物种,以避免潜在的偏倚并产生更全面,准确的结果。因为密度对种子捕食的影响在植物物种之间差异很大。未来的研究应包括大量具有各种种子性状的植物物种,以避免潜在的偏见并产生更全面,准确的结果。因为密度对种子捕食的影响在植物物种之间差异很大。未来的研究应包括大量具有各种种子性状的植物物种,以避免潜在的偏倚并产生更全面,准确的结果。