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The course of professionalization: Jewish nursing in Poland in the interwar period
Science in Context ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-24 , DOI: 10.1017/s026988971900005x
Rakefet Zalashik 1 , Nadav Davidovitch 2

ArgumentThis paper focuses on the Jewish nursing profession in Poland during the interwar period. We argue that the integration of Jewish women in medical activity under the AJDC (American Jewish Distribution Committee) and TOZ (Towarzystwa Ochrony Zdrowia Ludności Żydowskiej [the Society for the Protection of the Health of the Jewish People]) emerged in Poland less from the adoption of gender equality and more out of necessity. On the one hand, JDC and TOZ needed Jewish nurses and public health nurses to carry out their health campaigns and build a public health infrastructure. On the other hand, a new generation of Jewish women needed job opportunities that would enable them to make a living and be independent. More broadly this case study shows that the implementation of American “reformative” ideals into the local Polish reality, including in the newly emerging public health field, involved adaptation, negotiation, and in some cases, resentment.



论点本文重点关注两次世界大战期间波兰的犹太护理专业。我们认为,在 AJDC(美国犹太人分配委员会)和 TOZ(Towarzystwa Ochrony Zdrowia Ludności Żydowskiej [保护犹太人健康协会])下,犹太妇女在医疗活动中的整合较少出现在波兰。性别平等,更多是出于必要。一方面,JDC 和 TOZ 需要犹太护士和公共卫生护士来开展他们的健康运动并建立公共卫生基础设施。另一方面,新一代的犹太妇女需要工作机会,使她们能够谋生和独立。更广泛地说,这个案例研究表明,将美国的“改革”理想落实到波兰当地的现实中,