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Remembering Our Partnerships: A Collaborative Tribute to Dr. Kathleen T. Heinrich.
Research and Theory for Nursing Practice ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1891/1541-6577.33.4.305

An introduction to the tribute is provided by Diane Monsivais in the following lines. I met Dr. Kim Belcik and Dr. Leli Pedro through our mutual connection, Dr. Kathleen (Kathy) Heinrich. Kathy was a nationally recognized scholar and owner of the consulting business KTH Consulting. For a stirring and fuller picture of Kathy's professional life, please read "A Life Well Lived: A Tribute to Dr. Kathleen T. Heinrich" (Clark, 2017). Kathy was a highly influential part of each of our professional lives, and her early death in 2016 left us deeply saddened and with a commitment to continue her legacy. This collaborative tribute column, where we each provide reflections about our partnership with Kathy, is a part of that commitment.



Diane Monsivais在以下几行中对此致敬作了介绍。我通过我们相互联系的凯瑟琳·海因里希(Kathyeen Heinrich)博士遇到了金·贝尔西克(Kim Belcik)博士和莱利·佩德罗(Leli Pedro)博士。凯西(Kathy)是全国公认的学者,也是咨询业务KTH Consulting的所有者。有关凯西职业生涯的震撼和更全面的描述,请阅读“一生的日子:向凯瑟琳·海因里希博士致敬”(克拉克,2017年)。凯西(Kathy)是我们每个职业生涯中极具影响力的一部分,她于2016年去世,令我们深感悲痛,并承诺继续她的遗产。这个合作致意专栏是我们与Kathy合作伙伴关系的体现,是这一承诺的一部分。