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Impact of interprofessional education on students of the health professions: a systematic review
Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions Pub Date : 2019-10-23 , DOI: 10.3352/jeehp.2019.16.33
Amy Leigh Dyess 1 , Jordyn Shelby Brown 1 , Natasha Dianne Brown 1 , Katherine Merrill Flautt 1 , Lisa Jayroe Barnes 1

Purpose Interprofessional education (IPE) is a concept that allows students from different health professions to learn with and from each other as they gain knowledge about their chosen professions and the professions of their colleagues. The purpose of this systematic review was to determine the effectiveness of IPE in the academic preparation of students of the health professions. Methods A search was conducted of the PubMed and CINAHL databases using the following eligibility criteria: IPE including students from 3 or more healthcare professions, IPE exposure within academic coursework, measurement of attitudes and/or perceptions as outcomes, and quantitative reporting of results. Articles were screened by title, abstract, and full text, and data were extracted. Results The search yielded 870 total articles. After screening, 7 articles remained for review. All studies reported a positive impact of IPE on the education of students of the health professions. Conclusion Evidence showed that IPE activities were an effective tool for improving attitudes toward interdisciplinary teamwork, communication, shared problem-solving, and knowledge and skills in preparation for collaboration within interdisciplinary teams.



目的专业间教育(IPE)是一个概念,它使来自不同卫生专业的学生可以在学习所选专业和同事专业时相互学习。这项系统审查的目的是确定IPE在卫生专业学生的学术准备中的有效性。方法使用以下资格标准对PubMed和CINAHL数据库进行搜索:IPE,包括来自3个或更多医疗专业的学生; IPE​​在学术课程中的接触程度;对态度和/或看法的感知,作为结果的度量;以及结果的定量报告。按标题,摘要和全文筛选文章,并提取数据。结果搜索共产生870篇文章。放映后 剩下7篇文章需要审查。所有研究均表明IPE对卫生专业学生的教育产生了积极影响。结论结论有证据表明,IPE活动是改善跨学科团队合作,沟通,共同解决问题以及知识和技能的态度的有效工具,为跨学科团队之间的合作做准备。