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Social stress in early puberty has long-term impacts on impulsive action.
Behavioral Neuroscience ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-04 , DOI: 10.1037/bne0000196
Lina Fernanda González-Martínez 1 , John D'Aigle 1 , Steven M Lee 1 , Hongjoo J Lee 1 , Yvon Delville 1

In hamsters, individuals attacked by adults during puberty become aggressive adults. Perhaps, enhanced aggression observed as repeated attacks toward opponents is associated with a lack of impulse control. We examined impulsive action in male golden hamsters exposed daily to aggressive adults from postnatal Day 28 to 42. These animals were trained in conditioning chambers and tested during adulthood in a go-no-go task addressing action inhibition. Overall, previously stressed hamsters were less likely to inhibit a conditioned lever pressing response during no-go trials. Because this effect could be the result of an extinction impairment, additional animals were tested to evaluate their response to omission of reward associated with conditioned lever pressing. In this experiment, all animals were equally capable of inhibiting their conditioned response. The capacity to inhibit a conditioned response was further addressed by testing responses to a 60-s reward delay after lever pressing. In this case, previously stressed animals were faster to inhibit lever pressing and stopped showing a preference for the proximity of the lever. These studies show selective condition-dependent effects on lever pressing activity and support the possibility that stress in early puberty enhances impulsive action in adulthood. These experiments may be relevant to the study of mental disorders associated with early trauma in humans. (PsycINFO Database Record



在仓鼠中,在青春期受到成年人攻击的个体成为好斗的成年人。也许,由于对对手的反复攻击而使攻击性增强,这与缺乏冲动控制有关。我们检查了从出生后第28天到第42天每天暴露于攻击性成年雄性金仓鼠中的冲动行为。这些动物在条件调节室内接受训练,并在成年期进行了一项旨在解决动作抑制问题的禁忌任务。总体而言,在不进行试验时,以前受过压力的仓鼠不太可能抑制条件杆压迫反应。由于这种影响可能是物种灭绝的结果,因此对其他动物进行了测试,以评估它们对与条件杠杆按压相关的奖励缺失的反应。在这个实验中 所有动物都同样具有抑制条件反应的能力。通过测试对按下杆后60秒奖励延迟的响应,进一步解决了抑制条件响应的能力。在这种情况下,先前处于压力状态的动物会更快地抑制操纵杆的按压并停止运动,这表明他们更喜欢操纵杆的接近性。这些研究表明选择性的条件依赖性作用于杠杆活动,并支持青春期早期压力增强成年时的冲动行为的可能性。这些实验可能与人类早期创伤相关的精神障碍研究有关。(PsycINFO数据库记录 先前受压的动物更快地抑制了杠杆的压迫,并停止了运动,显示出对杠杆接近度的偏爱。这些研究表明选择性的条件依赖性作用于杠杆活动,并支持青春期早期压力增强成年时的冲动行为的可能性。这些实验可能与人类早期创伤相关的精神障碍研究有关。(PsycINFO数据库记录 先前受压的动物更快地抑制了杠杆的压迫,并停止了运动,显示出对杠杆接近性的偏爱。这些研究表明选择性的条件依赖性作用于杠杆活动,并支持青春期早期压力增强成年时的冲动作用的可能性。这些实验可能与人类早期创伤相关的精神障碍研究有关。(PsycINFO数据库记录