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The Natural History of Patients With Isolated Metabolic Syndrome.
Mayo Clinic Proceedings ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2016.02.026
Pratik A Patel 1 , Christopher G Scott 2 , Richard J Rodeheffer 3 , Horng H Chen 3

OBJECTIVES To define the natural history of patients with isolated metabolic syndrome (MS). PATIENTS AND METHODS Metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. Patients with isolated MS are a subset of patients with MS who do not meet the diagnostic criteria of hypertension (HTN) and diabetes mellitus (DM). Data were collected prospectively on a population-based random sample of 1042 Olmsted County, Minnesota, residents aged 45 years or older who underwent clinical evaluation, medical record abstraction, and echocardiography (visit 1: January 1,1997, to December 31, 2000). The cohort was subdivided into healthy controls, those with isolated MS, and those with MS with HTN and/or DM groups. After 4 years, patients returned for visit 2 (September 1, 2001, to December 30, 2004). After visit 2, we have a median of 8.3 years of follow-up. RESULTS There was a higher incidence of HTN, DM, and obesity in the isolated MS group at visit 2 (P<.001) than in healthy controls. Patients with isolated MS did not have significantly higher rates of cardiovascular mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 0.85; 95% CI, 0.23-3.13; P=.80) or development of heart failure (HR, 1.29; 95% CI, 0.58-2.73; P=.53) compared with healthy controls over 8 years of follow-up after visit 2. However, patients with MS with HTN and/or DM had higher rates of cardiovascular mortality (HR, 2.40; 95% CI, 1.00-5.83; P=.02) and heart failure (HR, 2.24; 95% CI, 1.16-4.32; P=.02) compared with healthy controls over 8 years of follow-up after visit 2. CONCLUSION Isolated MS was associated with increased risk for the development of HTN, DM, and obesity, but not increased mortality or heart failure over an 8-year period compared with healthy controls. Future studies should determine whether aggressive management of risk factors in isolated MS will prevent progression to MS.



目的确定孤立性代谢综合征(MS)患者的自然病史。患者与方法代谢综合征与心血管死亡风险增加相关。孤立性MS患者是不符合高血压(HTN)和糖尿病(DM)诊断标准的MS患者的子集。前瞻性收集基于明尼苏达州1042年奥尔姆斯特德县,年龄在45岁以上且经过临床评估,病历提取和超声心动图检查的居民的随机样本数据(访问日期:1997年1月1日至2000年12月31日) 。该队列被细分为健康对照组,患有孤立MS的患者以及患有HTN和/或DM组的MS。4年后,患者返回就诊2(2001年9月1日至2004年12月30日)。造访2之后,我们的中位数为8。3年的随访。结果在第2次访视时,孤立MS组的HTN,DM和肥胖发生率高于健康对照组(P <.001)。孤立性MS患者的心血管死亡率(危险比[HR]为0.85; 95%CI为0.23-3.13; P = .80)或心力衰竭的发生率(HR为1.29; 95%CI为0.58)均没有明显升高。在访问2后的8年随访中,与健康对照组相比为-2.73; P = .53)。但是,患有HTN和/或DM的MS患者的心血管死亡率更高(HR,2.40; 95%CI,1.00 -5.83; P = .02)和心力衰竭(HR,2.24; 95%CI,1.16-4.32; P = .02)在随访2年后的8年随访中与健康对照组相比。结论孤立的MS与导致HTN,DM和肥胖的风险增加,但与健康对照组相比,在8年内没有增加死亡率或心力衰竭。未来的研究应确定在孤立的MS中积极管理危险因素是否会阻止其发展为MS。