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Racial/ethnic and gender disparities in anger management therapy as a probation condition.
Law and Human Behavior ( IF 3.870 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000355
Cassandra A Bailey 1 , Betsy E Galicia 1 , Kalin Z Salinas 1 , Melissa Briones 1 , Sheila Hugo 2 , Kristin Hunter 2 , Amanda C Venta 1

OBJECTIVE This study examined whether race/ethnicity and gender predicted sentencing to anger management therapy as a probation condition. HYPOTHESES We predicted judges would be more likely to assign African Americans and Hispanics, and males to anger management than Caucasians and women, respectively. We hypothesized demographic variables would predict assignment to anger management beyond legal and nondefendant extralegal variables. METHOD Data for this study are administrative and originate from an adult probation department in southern Texas. The sample (N = 4,001; 72.3% male) was 53.4% Caucasian, 28.6% African American, 16.7% Hispanic, 0.9% other, and 0.4% unknown and included individuals who had committed violent (14.2%) and nonviolent (85.8%) offenses. RESULTS Data analyses consisted of binary logistic regression, with anger management placement as the dependent variable, and offense, judge, county, race/ethnicity, and gender as the independent variables. The final model emerged as statistically significant, χ²(16) = 552.76, p < .001, Nagelkerke's R² = .32. Specifically, the odds of receiving anger management were 1.71 times higher for African Americans than Caucasians, and 1.68 times higher for men than women. Exploratory analyses examining a Race/Ethnicity × Gender interaction revealed the odds of receiving anger management was significantly lower for Caucasian women than all other racial/ethnic by gender groups. CONCLUSION Results suggest being part of a racial/ethnic minority group or male may disproportionately increase the odds of being required to comply with extra time and fiscal requirements associated with anger management as compared to one's racial/ethnic and gender counterparts who have committed similar crimes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).



目的本研究检查了种族/民族和性别是否将愤怒管理治疗的判决判为缓刑条件。假设我们预计,与白种人和女性相比,法官更可能分配非裔美国人和西班牙裔美国人以及男性进行愤怒管理。我们假设人口变量将预测除法律和非辩护性法律外变量之外的愤怒管理分配。方法该研究的数据是行政数据,来自德克萨斯州南部的成人缓刑部门。样本(N = 4,001;男性为72.3%)为53.4%的白种人,28.6%的非洲裔美国人,16.7%的西班牙裔,0.9%的其他人和0.4%的未知者,其中包括曾犯有暴力(14.2%)和非暴力(85.8%)的个人冒犯。结果数据分析包括二元逻辑回归,愤怒管理的位置是因变量,进攻,法官,县,种族/民族和性别是自变量。最终模型显示为具有统计学意义,χ²(16)= 552.76,p <.001,Nagelkerke'sR²= .32。具体来说,非洲裔美国人接受愤怒管理的几率比高加索人高1.71倍,男性比女性高1.68倍。对种族/民族×性别互动进行的探索性分析显示,按性别划分,白人女性接受愤怒管理的几率明显低于所有其他种族/民族。结论结果表明,与犯有类似罪行的种族/族裔和性别同伴相比,属于种族/族裔少数群体或男性的人可能会大大增加被要求遵守与愤怒管理相关的额外时间和财务要求的几率。(PsycINFO数据库记录(c)2019 APA,保留所有权利)。