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Visual Computing Challenges of Advanced Manufacturing and Industrie 4.0 [Guest editors' introduction]
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2015-03-01 , DOI: 10.1109/mcg.2015.46
Andre Stork

The (r)evolution in Industrie 4.0 is being accelerated by the wide adoption of networking and Internet technology into traditional industries such as manufacturing shop floors aiming at CPPS for future factories. Furthermore, advances in additive manufacturing, modeling systems, physics-based simulation, and the computational representation of materials has created a framework to enable new intelligent factories characterized by adaptability, resource efficiency, and ergonomics. This special issue serves to familiarize the computer graphics community with the Industrie 4.0 and Industrial Internet initiatives and mobilize more computer graphicists to initiate research and application development in this emerging and attractive area.



工业 4.0 的 (r) 演变正在加速网络和互联网技术在传统行业中的广泛采用,例如针对未来工厂的 CPPS 的制造车间。此外,增材制造、建模系统、基于物理的模拟和材料的计算表示的进步已经创建了一个框架,以实现具有适应性、资源效率和人体工程学特征的新型智能工厂。本期特刊旨在让计算机图形社区熟悉工业 4.0 和工业互联网计划,并动员更多计算机图形专家在这个新兴且有吸引力的领域开展研究和应用开发。