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Response from Corina, Neville and Bavelier
Trends in Cognitive Sciences ( IF 19.9 ) Pub Date : 1998-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s1364-6613(98)01251-0
D P Corina 1 , H J Neville , D Bavelier

Mazoyer et al.[22xThe cortical representation of speech. Mazoyer, B.M et al. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 1993; 5: 467–479Crossref | PubMedSee all References[22]contrasted passive listening of French (the subject native language) to passive listening to an unfamiliar language, Tamil. While overall left perisylvian sites showed greater activation, RH activation was observed in left and right superior temporal lobe and left and right temporal poles. Price et al. (Ref. [23xHearing and saying: the functional neuroanatomy of auditory word processing. Price, C.J et al. Brain. 1996; 119: 919–931Crossref | PubMed | Scopus (333)See all References[23], experiment 3) reported limited RH activation in a condition contrasting listening to lists of single words with listening to backwards words. In several reading tasks, RH activity has also been observed. Activity in the middle portion of the superior temporal sulcus of the RH has been reported by Bavelier et al.[24xSentence reading: an fMRI study at 4T. Bavelier, D et al. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 1997; 9: 664–686Crossref | PubMedSee all References[24]when English native speakers read well-formed sentences contrasted with the presentation of consonant strings. Bavelier et al. suggest aspects of semantic encoding may engage right temporal lobe areas. Stromswold et al.[25xLocalization of syntactic comprehension by positron emission tomography. Stromswold, K et al. Brain Lang. 1996; 52: 452–473Crossref | PubMed | Scopus (418)See all References[25]compared rCBF during the reading of syntactically complex sentences. Significant activation was observed in right middle temporal gyrus when subjects read syntactically complex sentences compared to less complex constructions. In a related finding, Just et al.[26xBrain activation modulated by sentence comprehension. Just, M.A et al. Science. 1996; 274: 114–116Crossref | PubMed | Scopus (718)See all References[26]reported both left and RH activity in a task requiring reading of sentences with increasing syntactic complexity. They reported activity in both left and RH sites (corresponding to Broca's and Wernicke's areas) that was modulated by sentence complexity, though the RH activity was approximately 25% of the amount of activity observed in the left-hemisphere sites. These authors speculate that while the left hemisphere is usually the primary site of language comprehension, the right hemisphere may be recruited in times of high demand.


来自 Corina、Neville 和 Bavelier 的回复

Mazoyer 等人[22x 语音的皮层表示。马佐耶,BM 等。J. 科恩。神经科学。1993年;5: 467–479Crossref | PubMed查看所有参考文献[22]将法语(主题母语)的被动聆听与对不熟悉的语言泰米尔语的被动聆听进行了对比。虽然整体左侧侧裂部位显示出更大的激活,但在左右上颞叶和左右颞极观察到 RH 激活。价格等。(参考文献 [23xHearing 和说:听觉文字处理的功能性神经解剖学。Price,CJ 等人。Brain。1996;119:919–931Crossref | PubMed | Scopus (333)查看所有参考文献 [23],实验 3)报道有限在对比听单个单词列表和听倒序单词的情况下的 RH 激活。在几个阅读任务中,也观察到了 RH 活动。Bavelier 等人报道了 RH 颞上沟中部的活动。 [24xSentence 阅读:4T 的 fMRI 研究。Bavelier,D 等。J. 科恩。神经科学。1997年;9: 664–686Crossref | PubMed查看所有参考文献[24]当英语母语者阅读与辅音字符串的呈现形成对比的格式良好的句子时。巴维利尔等人。建议语义编码的方面可能涉及右颞叶区域。Stromswold 等人[25xLocalization of Syntactic Comprehension by 正电子发射断层扫描。斯特罗姆斯沃尔德,K 等。脑朗。1996年;52: 452–473Crossref | 医学 | Scopus (418) See all References[25] 在阅读语法复杂的句子时比较了 rCBF。与不太复杂的结构相比,当受试者阅读句法复杂的句子时,在右侧颞中回观察到显着激活。在一个相关的发现中,Just 等人[26xBrain 激活由句子理解调节。只是,MA 等人。科学。1996年;274: 114–116 交叉引用 | 医学 | Scopus (718) See all References [26] 报告了在需要阅读句法复杂性增加的句子的任务中的左和右活动。他们报告了左侧和 RH 位点(对应于 Broca 和 Wernicke 区域)的活动受句子复杂性的调节,尽管 RH 活动大约是在左半球站点中观察到的活动量的 25%。这些作者推测,虽然左半球通常是语言理解的主要部位,