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Permeability and Properties of the Membranes Surrounding the Developing Egg Of Homarus Vulgaris
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2009-05-12 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025315400012261
C. M. Yonge

Subjection to a variety of fluids confirms the presence of two non-living membranes roundv the developing eggs of Homarus. It also reveals that the outer membrane has the restricted permeability of cuticle and the inner membrane the free permeability of chitin.The inner, chitinous membrane bursts when the egg contents swell; the outer membrane stretches, up to 50 % above its initial diameter, when the internal osmotic pressure rises. It also has considerable elasticity.These properties of the outer membrane enable it to withstand the pressure to which the developing eggs are subjected and also to stretch during the development of the embryo, hence they have,considerable biological significance.The inner, chitinous membrane, which does not stretch, is probably ruptured and absorbed during development.



经受各种液体的作用证实了在发育中的卵周围存在两个无生命的膜。霍玛鲁斯. 还揭示了外膜具有限制性的角质层通透性,内膜具有自由通透性的几丁质。当卵内容物膨胀时,内膜几丁质破裂;当内部渗透压升高时,外膜会拉伸至其初始直径的 50% 以上。它还具有相当大的弹性。外膜的这些特性使其能够承受发育中的卵子所承受的压力,并在胚胎发育过程中伸展,因此它们具有相当大的生物学意义。内层,几丁质膜,它不会拉伸,可能在发育过程中破裂并被吸收。