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General anti-microbial properties of the integument in fleece producing sheep and goats
Small Ruminant Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2001-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s0921-4488(01)00215-2
W Meyer 1 , K Neurand , A Tanyolaç

Based on lectin histochemical methods, this study describes the production and distribution of various terminal sugars in the integument of Merino sheep and Angora goats. Additionally, pH measurements were performed for information about environmental conditions of microbes on the skin surface and in the fleece. The results demonstrated strongly positive reactions for alpha-L-fucose in the stratum corneum of Merino sheep, and in the secretions of the skin glands of Angora goats. Moreover, alpha-D-mannose, beta-D-N-acetylglucosamine, alpha-D-N-acetylgalactosamine, alpha-D-galactose and beta-D-galactose were very distinct in the secretions of the skin glands of both species. The skin products containing saccharide residues are deposited on the skin surface and in the fleece as part of wool grease, and the terminal sugars may be liberated by bacterial and fungal activities. All of these sugars are of specific interest because of their ability of inhibiting the adherence of different bacteria and fungi to the epidermal cells. Thus, free sugars impede attacks of skin micro-inhabitants against the integrity of the epidermal barrier. In contrast to these results, the skin pH-conditions were strongly alkaline, particularly in the fleece of Merino sheep (pH 6-9), so that proliferation of microbes may be promoted. This negative influence can only be countered by high production rates of sugar-containing skin products, which is normally the case based on long and intense activity of hair follicles in fine-wool producing sheep and goats.In conclusion, this study demonstrates that a basic anti-microbial biological system exists on the skin surface and within the hair coat, that operates with free sugars before the immune system is activated.



本研究基于凝集素组织化学方法,描述了美利奴绵羊和安哥拉山羊外皮中各种末端糖的产生和分布。此外,还进行了 pH 值测量,以获取有关皮肤表面和羊毛中微生物环境条件的信息。结果表明,美利奴绵羊的角质层和安哥拉山羊的皮肤腺体分泌物中的 α-L-岩藻糖呈强阳性反应。此外,α-D-甘露糖、β-DN-乙酰氨基葡萄糖、α-DN-乙酰半乳糖胺、α-D-半乳糖和β-D-半乳糖在两种物种的皮肤腺体分泌物中非常不同。含有糖类残留物的护肤品作为羊毛油脂的一部分沉积在皮肤表面和羊毛中,并且末端糖可能通过细菌和真菌活动而被释放。所有这些糖类都具有特殊的意义,因为它们能够抑制不同细菌和真菌对表皮细胞的粘附。因此,游离糖会阻止皮肤微生物对表皮屏障完整性的攻击。与这些结果相反,皮肤的 pH 条件是强碱性的,特别是在美利奴羊的羊毛中(pH 6-9),因此可以促进微生物的增殖。这种负面影响只能通过含糖皮肤产品的高生产率来抵消,这通常是基于生产细羊毛的绵羊和山羊的毛囊长期而强烈的活动。