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Complex reproductive secretions occur in all extant gymnosperm lineages: a proteomic survey of gymnosperm pollination drops.
Plant Reproduction ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s00497-018-0348-z
Natalie Prior 1 , Stefan A Little 2 , Ian Boyes 1 , Patrick Griffith 3 , Chad Husby 3 , Cary Pirone-Davies 4 , Dennis W Stevenson 5 , P Barry Tomlinson 3 , Patrick von Aderkas 1

Key message

Complex protein-containing reproductive secretions are a conserved trait amongst all extant gymnosperms; the pollination drops of most groups include carbohydrate-modifying enzymes and defence proteins.


Pollination drops are aqueous secretions that receive pollen and transport it to the ovule interior in gymnosperms (Coniferales, Cycadales, Ginkgoales, Gnetales). Proteins are well established as components of pollination drops in conifers (Coniferales) and Ephedra spp. (Gnetales), but it is unknown whether proteins are also present in the pollination drops of cycads (Cycadales), Ginkgo (Ginkgoales), Gnetum (Gnetales), or in the pollination drops produced by sterile ovules occurring on pollen plants in the Gnetales. We used liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry followed by database-derived protein identification to conduct proteomic surveys of pollination drops collected from: Ceratozamia hildae, Zamia furfuracea and Cycas rumphii (Cycadales); Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgoales); Gnetum gnemon and Welwitschia mirabilis, including pollination drops from both microsporangiate and ovulate plants (Gnetales). We identified proteins in all samples: C. hildae (61), Z. furfuracea (40), C. rumphii (9), G. biloba (57), G. gnemon ovulate (17) and sterile ovules from microsporangiate plants (25) and W. mirabilis fertile ovules (1) and sterile ovules from microsporangiate plants (138). Proteins involved in defence and carbohydrate modification occurred in the drops of most groups, indicating conserved functions for proteins in pollination drops. Our study demonstrates that all extant gymnosperm groups produce complex reproductive secretions containing proteins, an ancient trait that likely contributed to the evolutionary success of seed plants.






授粉滴剂是一种水性分泌物,接受花粉并将其运送到裸子植物(针叶树,Cycadales,Ginkgoales,Gnetales)的胚珠内部。在针叶树(Coniferales)和麻黄属植物中,作为授粉滴成分的蛋白质已被广泛确立。(Gnetales),但尚不清楚苏铁(Cycadales),银杏(Ginkgoales),Gnetum(Gnetales)的授粉滴中,还是在Gnetales的花粉植物上出现的不育胚珠产生的授粉滴中还存在蛋白质。我们使用液相色谱-串联质谱法,然后从数据库中提取蛋白质进行蛋白质组学研究,对从以下物种收集的授粉滴进行蛋白质组学调查:Ceratozamia hildaeZamia furfuraceaCycas rumphii(Cycadales);银杏叶(Ginkgoales); Gnetum gnemonWelwitschia mirabilis,包括来自微孢子状和排卵植物(Gnetales)的授粉滴。我们确定的所有样品中的蛋白质:C. hildae(61),Z. furfuracea(40),C. rumphii(9),银杏(57),G. gnemon从microsporangiate植物雌(17)和无菌胚珠(25 )和W. mirabilis可育胚珠(1)和微孢子管植物的无菌胚珠(138)。参与防御和碳水化合物修饰的蛋白质出现在大多数组的液滴中,表明传粉液滴中蛋白质的保守功能。我们的研究表明,所有现存的裸子植物群均产生含有蛋白质的复杂生殖分泌物,这是一种古老的特征,可能有助于种子植物的进化成功。