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A Geostatistical Framework for Combining Spatially Referenced Disease Prevalence Data from Multiple Diagnostics
Biometrics ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-29 , DOI: 10.1111/biom.13142
Benjamin Amoah 1 , Peter J Diggle 1 , Emanuele Giorgi 1

Multiple diagnostic tests are often used due to limited resources or because they provide complementary information on the epidemiology of a disease under investigation. Existing statistical methods to combine prevalence data from multiple diagnostics ignore the potential over-dispersion induced by the spatial correlations in the data. To address this issue, we develop a geostatistical framework that allows for joint modelling of data from multiple diagnostics by considering two main classes of inferential problems: (1) to predict prevalence for a gold-standard diagnostic using low-cost and potentially biased alternative tests; (2) to carry out joint prediction of prevalence from multiple tests. We apply the proposed framework to two case studies: mapping Loa loa prevalence in Central and West Africa, using miscroscopy and a questionnaire-based test called RAPLOA; mapping Plasmodium falciparum malaria prevalence in the highlands of Western Kenya using polymerase chain reaction and a rapid diagnostic test. We also develop a Monte Carlo procedure based on the variogram in order to identify parsimonious geostatistical models that are compatible with the data. Our study highlights (i) the importance of accounting for diagnostic-specific residual spatial variation and (ii) the benefits accrued from joint geostatistical modelling so as to deliver more reliable and precise inferences on disease prevalence. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.



由于资源有限或因为它们提供了有关正在调查的疾病的流行病学的补充信息,因此经常使用多种诊断测试。现有的统计方法将来自多个诊断的患病率数据结合起来,忽略了由数据中的空间相关性引起的潜在过度分散。为了解决这个问题,我们开发了一个地质统计框架,通过考虑两大类推论问题,允许对来自多种诊断的数据进行联合建模:(1) 使用低成本和可能有偏见的替代测试来预测黄金标准诊断的流行率; (2)从多个测试中进行流行率的联合预测。我们将提议的框架应用于两个案例研究:绘制中非和西非的 Loa loa 流行率,使用显微镜检查和称为 RAPLOA 的基于问卷的测试;使用聚合酶链反应和快速诊断测试绘制肯尼亚西部高地恶性疟原虫疟疾流行率。我们还开发了基于变异函数的蒙特卡罗程序,以识别与数据兼容的简约地质统计模型。我们的研究强调了 (i) 考虑诊断特定残余空间变化的重要性,以及 (ii) 联合地质统计建模带来的好处,以便对疾病流行提供更可靠和精确的推断。本文受版权保护。版权所有。我们还开发了基于变异函数的蒙特卡罗程序,以识别与数据兼容的简约地质统计模型。我们的研究强调了 (i) 考虑诊断特定残余空间变化的重要性,以及 (ii) 从联合地质统计建模中产生的好处,以便对疾病流行提供更可靠和精确的推断。本文受版权保护。版权所有。我们还开发了基于变异函数的蒙特卡罗程序,以识别与数据兼容的简约地质统计模型。我们的研究强调了 (i) 考虑诊断特定残余空间变化的重要性,以及 (ii) 联合地质统计建模带来的好处,以便对疾病流行提供更可靠和精确的推断。本文受版权保护。版权所有。本文受版权保护。版权所有。本文受版权保护。版权所有。