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Laminaria digitata: a checkered career.
Economic Botany ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 1977-01-01 , DOI: 10.1007/bf02860655
B Rubin

The history of the use of Laminaria digitata is presented. Economically, laminaria has primarily been used as a source of algin. During the 19th century, laminaria were used as an aid in cervical dilatation. Their use persisted in France, Germany, and Japan, but in England, problems of infection associated with laminaria led English physicians to adopt steel dilating instruments. Recently, the liberalization of abortion laws has revived interest in laminaria tents for second trimester aboriton. The primary advantages of laminaria tents for cervical dilatation are that they save time, are efficient, and improve patient comfort.



介绍了使用Laminaria digitata的历史。从经济上讲,海带主要用作藻类的来源。在19世纪,海带被用作宫颈扩张的辅助工具。它们的使用在法国,德国和日本一直存在,但是在英国,与海带有关的感染问题导致英国医生采用了钢扩张器械。最近,堕胎法的自由化已经恢复了对晚期妊娠中止的海带帐篷的兴趣。用于海底扩张的海带帐篷的主要优点是节省时间,有效并改善患者舒适度。