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Intact capture of hypervelocity projectiles
International Journal of Impact Engineering ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 1990-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/0734-743x(90)90093-b
P Tsou 1

The ability to capture projectiles intact at hypervelocities opens new applications in science and technology that would either not be possible or would be very costly by other means. This capability has been demonstrated in the laboratory for aluminum projectiles of 1.6 mm diameter, captured at 6 km/s, in one unmelted piece, and retaining up to 95% of the original mass. Furthermore, capture was accomplished passively using microcellular underdense polymer foam. Another advantage of capturing projectiles in an underdense medium is the ability of such a medium to preserve a record of the projectile's original velocity components of speed and direction. A survey of these experimental results is described in terms of a dozen parameters which characterize the amount of capture and the effect on the projectile due to different capture media.



在超高速下完整捕获射弹的能力开辟了科学和技术中的新应用,这要么是不可能的,要么是通过其他方式非常昂贵的。这种能力已经在实验室中对直径为 1.6 毫米、以 6 公里/秒的速度捕获的铝制弹丸进行了证明,在一个未熔化的部分中,并保留了原始质量的 95%。此外,捕获是使用微孔低密度聚合物泡沫被动完成的。在低密度介质中捕获射弹的另一个优点是这种介质能够保存射弹原始速度和方向速度分量的记录。这些实验结果的调查是根据十几个参数描述的,这些参数表征捕获量和不同捕获介质对射弹的影响。