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Antibiotic resistant Salmonella in swine wastes and farm surface waters
Letters in Applied Microbiology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-16 , DOI: 10.1111/lam.13242
L M Casanova 1 , V R Hill 1 , M D Sobsey 1

Hog production takes place mostly in large concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) where waste is managed by storing in lagoons prior to land application of lagoon liquid. Salmonella, including antibiotic‐resistant Salmonella, have been found in the farm environment and lagoons. The objective of this research was to determine whether Salmonella resistant to clinically relevant antibiotics were present in wastewaters and surface waters from hog CAFOs. Samples of hog waste and on farm environmental waters were analysed for Salmonella, which were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility. The highest percentage of resistant isolates were found in raw waste flushed from hog houses and in lagoon wastewater; few resistant isolates were found in on‐farm surface water. Resistance to sulphamethoxazole was most common, mostly in waste samples and less commonly in surface water, followed by chloramphenicol and ampicillin. No resistance to cephalosporin or fluoroquinolones was found. Resistance to clinically relevant antibiotics was commonly found in Salmonella from hog waste but was less extensive in farm surface waters. Management of wastes from hog CAFOs should be designed to further reduce the risk of human exposures resulting from environmental contamination with Salmonella.



生猪生产主要在大型集中动物饲养场 (CAFO) 中进行,其中废物通过在泻湖液体土地应用之前储存在泻湖中进行管理。在农场环境和泻湖中发现了沙门氏菌,包括耐抗生素沙门氏菌。本研究的目的是确定在来自猪 CAFO 的废水和地表水中是否存在对临床相关抗生素具有抗性的沙门氏菌。分析了猪粪和农场环境水样中的沙门氏菌,并对其进行了抗菌敏感性测试。在猪舍冲刷的原始废物和泻湖废水中发现了最高百分比的抗性分离株;在农场地表水中几乎没有发现耐药菌株。对磺胺甲恶唑的耐药性最为常见,主要存在于废物样品中,较少见于地表水中,其次是氯霉素和氨苄青霉素。未发现对头孢菌素或氟喹诺酮类药物的耐药性。猪粪中的沙门氏菌对临床相关抗生素的耐药性很常见,但在农场地表水中的范围较小。生猪 CAFO 废物的管理应旨在进一步降低人类因环境污染沙门氏菌而接触的风险。