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Origin and Evolution of the Neuroendocrine Control of Reproduction in Vertebrates, With Special Focus on Genome and Gene Duplications.
Physiological Reviews ( IF 33.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-18 , DOI: 10.1152/physrev.00009.2019
Sylvie Dufour 1 , Bruno Quérat 1 , Hervé Tostivint 1 , Catherine Pasqualini 1 , Hubert Vaudry 1 , Karine Rousseau 1

In humans, as in the other mammals, the neuroendocrine control of reproduction is ensured by the brain-pituitary gonadotropic axis. Multiple internal and environmental cues are integrated via brain neuronal networks, ultimately leading to the modulation of the activity of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons. The decapeptide GnRH is released into the hypothalamic-hypophysial portal blood system and stimulates the production of pituitary glycoprotein hormones, the two gonadotropins luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. A novel actor, the neuropeptide kisspeptin, acting upstream of GnRH, has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Other neuropeptides, such as gonadotropin-inhibiting hormone/RF-amide related peptide, and other members of the RF-amide peptide superfamily, as well as various nonpeptidic neuromediators such as dopamine and serotonin also provide a large panel of stimulatory or inhibitory regulators. This paper addresses the origin and evolution of the vertebrate gonadotropic axis. Brain-pituitary neuroendocrine axes are typical of vertebrates, the pituitary gland, mediator and amplifier of brain control on peripheral organs, being a vertebrate innovation. The paper reviews, from molecular and functional perspectives, the evolution across vertebrate radiation of some key actors of the vertebrate neuroendocrine control of reproduction and traces back their origin along the vertebrate lineage and in other metazoa before the emergence of vertebrates. A focus is given on how gene duplications, resulting from either local events or from whole genome duplication events, and followed by paralogous gene loss or conservation, might have shaped the evolutionary scenarios of current families of key actors of the gonadotropic axis.



在人类中,就像在其他哺乳动物中一样,通过脑-垂体促性腺激素轴确保了对繁殖的神经内分泌控制。通过大脑神经网络整合了多种内部和环境线索,最终导致促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)神经元活性的调节。十肽GnRH释放到下丘脑-垂体下门血系统中,并刺激垂体糖蛋白激素,促性腺激素促黄体生成激素和促卵泡激素的生成。近年来,在GnRH上游起作用的新型演员神经肽Kisspeptin引起了越来越多的关注。其他神经肽,例如促性腺激素抑制激素/ RF-酰胺相关肽,以及RF-酰胺肽超家族的其他成员,以及各种非肽类神经介质,例如多巴胺和5-羟色胺也提供了大量的刺激或抑制性调节剂。本文探讨了脊椎动物促性腺轴的起源和演变。脑垂体神经内分泌轴是脊椎动物的典型特征,是垂体腺,周围器官的大脑控制介导和放大,是脊椎动物的一项创新。这篇论文从分子和功能的角度回顾了脊椎动物神经内分泌控制繁殖的一些关键角色在整个脊椎动物辐射中的进化,并追溯了它们在脊椎动物出现之前沿脊椎动物谱系和其他后生动物的起源。重点介绍了如何从局部事件或整个基因组复制事件中复制基因,