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Assessing variability of antineoplastic drugs handling practices in clinical settings.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-17 , DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2019.1667502
Susan Arnold 1 , Hannah M Kaup 1

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Chapter <800> guidelines will be adopted in the U.S. and Canada in 2019, requiring regular surface sampling for antineoplastic drug (AD) surface contamination as a means of environmental surveillance. USP Chapter <800> does not provide guidance on when and where to sample. Research to support the development of such guidance within a broader sampling strategy is limited. This study was conducted to help address some of the underlying information gaps by identifying surfaces pharmacy and nursing staff are likely to contact, presenting a potential dermal exposure risk. Observations were conducted at one regional and one urban clinic, providing insight into inter- and intra-worker variability and between-clinic differences based on size and patient load. Thirteen surfaces in the compounding pharmacies and 14 surfaces in the patient administration were initially selected for video observations. Following a preliminary assessment to eliminate surfaces that were touched infrequently or not at all, five commonly touched surfaces in the compounding pharmacy areas (vials, syringes, IV lines, IV bags, waste bags) and six commonly touched surfaces in the patient administration area (yellow containment bag, IV bag, IV line, patient port, computer workstation) were assessed further. Variability between healthcare staff and clinics in pharmacy staff was low for both the mean frequency and duration of touch to surfaces. Differences between clinics in frequency of contact among nursing staff in patient administration areas were significant (two-way ANOVA) for five of the six surfaces. Duration of contact was not significantly different except for duration of touching the IV pump. These insights will be used to give guidance in selecting locations for a longitudinal surveillance study and help tailor worker training to reduce exposure risks.



美国药典(USP)第<800>章指南将于2019年在美国和加拿大采用,要求定期对抗肿瘤药(AD)表面污染进行表面采样,以作为环境监测的手段。USP <800>章不提供有关何时何地采样的指南。在更广泛的抽样策略中支持此类指南制定的研究非常有限。进行这项研究的目的是,通过确定药房和护理人员可能接触的表面,从而存在潜在的皮肤暴露风险,从而帮助解决一些潜在的信息空白。在一个地区和一家城市诊所进行了观察,从而了解了工人之间和工人内部的变异性以及基于规模和患者负担的诊所间差异。最初选择了配合药房的13个表面和患者给药的14个表面进行视频观察。在初步评估以消除很少或根本不接触的表面之后,在配药区域(小瓶,注射器,IV管线,IV袋,废液袋)中五个经常接触的表面,以及在患者给药区域中六个经常接触的表面(黄色收容袋,静脉输液袋,静脉输液管线,患者端口,计算机工作站)进行了进一步评估。就接触表面的平均频率和持续时间而言,医护人员和药房人员诊所之间的差异很低。对于六个表面中的五个,诊所之间在患者管理区域中护理人员之间的接触频率差异显着(双向方差分析)。接触时间除接触IV泵的时间外没有显着差异。这些见解将用于为纵向监视研究的选择地点提供指导,并帮助定制工人培训以减少暴露风险。
