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Factors associated with supermarket and convenience store closure: a discrete time spatial survival modelling approach.
The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society) ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-12 , DOI: 10.1111/rssa.12330
Joshua L Warren 1 , Penny Gordon-Larsen 2

While there is a literature on the distribution of food stores across geographic and social space, much of this research uses cross-sectional data. Analyses attempting to understand whether the availability of stores across neighborhoods is associated with diet and/or health outcomes are limited by a lack of understanding of factors that shape the emergence of new stores and the closure of others. We used quarterly data on supermarket and convenience store locations spanning seven years (2006-2012) and tract-level census data in four US cities: Birmingham, Alabama; Chicago, Illinois; Minneapolis, Minnesota; San Francisco, California. A spatial discrete-time survival model was used to identify factors associated with an earlier and/or later closure time of a store. Sales volume was typically the strongest indicator of store survival. We identified heterogeneity in the association between tract-level poverty and racial composition with respect to store survival. Stores in high poverty, non-White tracts were often at a disadvantage in terms of survival length. The observed patterns of store survival varied by some of the same neighborhood sociodemographic factors associated with lifestyle and health outcomes, which could lead to confusion in interpretation in studies of the estimated effects of introduction of food stores into neighborhoods on health.



尽管有关于食品存储在地理和社会空间中分布的文献,但许多研究使用的是横截面数据。试图了解跨社区商店的可用性是否与饮食和/或健康结果相关的分析由于缺乏对影响新商店的出现和其他商店关闭的因素的理解而受到限制。我们使用了横跨7年(2006年至2012年)的超市和便利店位置的季度数据以及美国四个城市(阿拉巴马州伯明翰;伊利诺伊州芝加哥;明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯; 加利福尼亚旧金山。使用空间离散时间生存模型来识别与商店的更早和/或更晚关闭时间相关的因素。销量通常是商店生存的最强指标。在商店生存方面,我们确定了地区贫困与种族构成之间关联的异质性。处于高贫困,非白人地区的商店通常在生存期方面处于劣势。观察到的商店生存模式因与生活方式和健康结果相关的某些相同社区社会人口统计学因素而异,这可能导致在将食品商店引入社区对健康的估计影响的研究中造成混淆。