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The effect of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense on the fitness of the calanoid copepod Calanus finmarchicus.
Harmful Algae ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2015-12-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2015.11.003
Vittoria Roncalli 1 , Jefferson T Turner 2 , David Kulis 3 , Donald M Anderson 3 , Petra H Lenz 1

Inshore and offshore waters of the Gulf of Maine (USA) have spring/summer harmful algal blooms (HABs) of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense, which is responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in humans. The calanoid copepod Calanus finmarchicus co-occurs with A. fundyense during the seasonal blooms. At that time, C. finmarchicus population abundances are high, dominated by immature copepods preparing for diapause, and by actively-reproducing adults. High survival has been reported for copepods exposed to toxic A. fundyense, but little is known about possible sublethal effects. In this study, C. finmarchicus adult females were fed either a control diet of non-toxic Rhodomonas spp. or one of two diets containing either low dose (LD) or high dose (HD) levels (50 and 200 cells mL−1, respectively) of toxic A. fundyense for a total of 7 days in two independent experiments. As expected, ingestion of the dinoflagellate had no effect on copepod survival and grazing activity. However, significant reductions of egg production and egg viability were observed in C. finmarchicus females fed on either experimental diet. After the 7-day experiment, total nauplius production by females on the LD and HD diets was reduced by 35% to 75% compared to the control females. These results suggest that blooms of A. fundyense in the Gulf of Maine may be an environmental challenge for C. finmarchicus populations, with a potential negative effect on copepod recruitment.


有毒的鞭毛藻亚历山大藻对fund足类pe足类Calaus finmarchicus的适应性的影响。

缅因州海湾(美国)的近岸和近岸水域中,有毒的鞭毛藻亚历山大藻(Alexandniumfundyense)在春季/夏季有害藻华(HABs),造成人类麻痹性贝类中毒(PSP)。在季节性花开期间,cal足类pe足类Calaus finmarchicusA.fundyense同时出现。当时,finmarchicus C. finmarchicus种群的数量很高,主要是为滞育做准备的不成熟的pe足类和活跃繁殖的成虫。据报道,co足类动物暴露于有毒的A. Fundyense,具有较高的存活率,但对潜在的亚致死作用知之甚少。在这项研究中,C。finmarchicus成年雌性饲喂无毒红景天菌的对照饮食。或在两个独立的实验中,含有低剂量(LD)或高剂量(HD)水平(分别为50和200细胞mL -1)的有毒A. Fundyense的两种饮食中的一种,共7天。如预期的那样,摄入鞭毛鞭毛虫对co足类的存活和放牧活动没有影响。然而,在以两种实验饮食喂养的C. finmarchicus雌性中,观察到产卵量和卵生存力的显着降低经过7天的实验,与对照组相比,母鼠在LD和HD日粮上的总幼鱼产量减少了35%至75%。这些结果表明,缅因州湾的A. FundyenseC. finmarchicus种群可能是一个环境挑战,对co足类的招募有潜在的负面影响。
