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Retinal Topography in Two Species of Baleen Whale (Cetacea: Mysticeti).
Brain, Behavior and Evolution ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-25 , DOI: 10.1159/000495285
Thomas J Lisney 1, 2 , Shaun P Collin 3, 4, 5

Little is known about the visual systems of large baleen whales (Mysticeti: Cetacea). In this study, we investigate eye morphology and the topographic distribution of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in two species of mysticete, Bryde's whale (Balaenoptera edeni) and the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeanglia). Both species have large eyes characterised by a thickened cornea, a heavily thickened sclera, a highly vascularised fibro-adipose bundle surrounding the optic nerve at the back of the eye, and a reflective blue-green tapetum fibrosum. Using stereology and retinal whole mounts, we estimate a total of 274,268 and 161,371 RGCs in the Bryde's whale and humpback whale retinas, respectively. Both species have a similar retinal topography, consisting of nasal and temporal areas of high RGC density, suggesting that having higher visual acuity in the anterior and latero-caudal visual fields is particularly important in these animals. The temporal area is larger in both species and contains the peak RGC densities (160 cells mm-2 in the humpback whale and 200 cells mm-2 in Bryde's whale). In the Bryde's whale retina, the two high-density areas are connected by a weak centro-ventral visual streak, but such a specialisation is not evident in the humpback whale. Measurements of RGC soma area reveal that although the RGCs in both species vary substantially in size, RGC soma area is inversely proportional to RGC density, with cells in the nasal and temporal high-density areas being relatively more homogeneous in size compared to the RGCs in the central retina and the dorsal and ventral retinal periphery. Some of the RGCs were very large, with soma areas of over 2,000 µm2. Using peak RGC density and eye axial diameter (Bryde's whale: 63.5 mm; humpback whale: 48.5 mm), we estimated the peak anatomical spatial resolving power in water to be 4.8 cycles/degree and 3.3 cycles/degree in the Bryde's whale and the humpback whale, respectively. Overall, our findings for these two species are very similar to those reported for other species of cetaceans. This indicates that, irrespective of the significant differences in body size and shape, behavioural ecology and feeding strategy between mysticetes and odontocetes (toothed whales), cetacean eyes are adapted to vision in dim light and adhere to a common "bauplan" that evolved prior to the divergence of the two cetacean parvorders (Odontoceti and Mysticeti) over 30 million years ago.



对大型鲸鱼的视觉系统知之甚少(Mysticeti:Cetacea)。在这项研究中,我们调查了两种神秘动物,即布莱德鲸(Balaenoptera edeni)和座头鲸(Megaptera novaeanglia)的两种神秘动物的眼睛形态和视网膜神经节细胞(RGCs)的地形分布。这两个物种的大眼睛都具有以下特征:角膜增厚,巩膜严重增厚,眼后部视神经周围高度血管化的纤维脂肪束和反射性蓝绿色绒毡状纤维膜。使用立体学和视网膜整个安装座,我们估计在布莱德鲸鱼和座头鲸视网膜中分别有274,268和161,371 RGC。两种物种的视网膜地形都很相似,包括高RGC密度的鼻和颞区域,提示在这些动物中,在前和后尾视野中具有较高的视敏度尤其重要。两种物种的时间面积都较大,并且包含峰值RGC密度(座头鲸中160个细胞mm-2,布莱德鲸中200个细胞mm-2)。在布莱德的鲸鱼视网膜中,两个高密度区域之间的中央腹侧视觉条纹较弱,但在座头鲸中这种专长并不明显。对RGC体细胞面积的测量表明,尽管两个物种的RGC大小都存在显着差异,但RGC体细胞面积与RGC密度成反比,鼻和颞高密度区域中的细胞与RGC体中的RGC相比相对更均匀。视网膜中央和视网膜背面及腹周围。一些RGC非常大,面积超过2,000 µm2。使用峰值RGC密度和眼轴直径(布莱德鲸:63.5毫米;座头鲸:48.5毫米),我们估算出水中布莱德鲸和座头鲸的最大解剖空间分辨能力分别为4.8个循环/度和3.3个循环/度。鲸鱼。总的来说,我们对这两个物种的发现与其他鲸类物种的发现非常相似。这表明,无论神秘动物和齿形鲸(齿鲸)在体型和身材,行为生态学和喂养策略上存在显着差异,鲸蜡类动物的眼睛都可以在昏暗的光线下适应视力,并附着于普通的“包兰”。超过3000万年前,两个鲸类亲本(Odontoceti和Mysticeti)的分歧。使用峰值RGC密度和眼轴直径(布莱德鲸:63.5毫米;座头鲸:48.5毫米),我们估算出水中布莱德鲸和座头鲸的最大解剖空间分辨能力分别为4.8个循环/度和3.3个循环/度。鲸鱼。总的来说,我们对这两个物种的发现与其他鲸类物种的发现非常相似。这表明,无论神秘动物和齿形鲸(齿鲸)在体型和身材,行为生态学和喂养策略上存在显着差异,鲸蜡类动物的眼睛都可以在昏暗的光线下适应视力,并附着于普通的“包兰”。超过3000万年前,两个鲸类亲本(Odontoceti和Mysticeti)的分歧。使用峰值RGC密度和眼轴直径(布莱德鲸:63.5毫米;座头鲸:48.5毫米),我们估算出水中布莱德鲸和座头鲸的最大解剖空间分辨能力分别为4.8个循环/度和3.3个循环/度。鲸鱼。总的来说,我们对这两个物种的发现与其他鲸类物种的发现非常相似。这表明,无论神秘动物和齿形鲸(齿鲸)在体型和身材,行为生态学和喂养策略上存在显着差异,鲸蜡类动物的眼睛都可以在昏暗的光线下适应视力,并附着于普通的“包兰”。超过3000万年前,两个鲸类亲本(Odontoceti和Mysticeti)的分歧。座头鲸:48.5毫米),我们估计在水中的峰值解剖空间分辨力在布莱德鲸和座头鲸中分别为4.8个循环/度和3.3个循环/度。总的来说,我们对这两个物种的发现与其他鲸类物种的发现非常相似。这表明,无论神秘动物和齿形鲸(齿鲸)在体型和身材,行为生态学和喂养策略上存在显着差异,鲸蜡类动物的眼睛都可以在昏暗的光线下适应视力,并附着于普通的“包兰”。超过3000万年前,两个鲸类亲本(Odontoceti和Mysticeti)的分歧。座头鲸:48.5毫米),我们估计在水中的峰值解剖空间分辨力在布莱德鲸和座头鲸中分别为4.8个循环/度和3.3个循环/度。总的来说,我们对这两个物种的发现与其他鲸类物种的发现非常相似。这表明,无论神秘动物和齿形鲸(齿鲸)在体型和身材,行为生态学和喂养策略上存在显着差异,鲸蜡类动物的眼睛都可以在昏暗的光线下适应视力,并附着于普通的“包兰”。超过3000万年前,两个鲸类亲本(Odontoceti和Mysticeti)的分歧。鲸和座头鲸。总的来说,我们对这两个物种的发现与其他鲸类物种的发现非常相似。这表明,无论神秘动物和齿形鲸(齿鲸)在体型和身材,行为生态学和喂养策略上存在显着差异,鲸蜡类动物的眼睛都可以在昏暗的光线下适应视力,并附着于普通的“包兰”。超过3000万年前,两个鲸类亲本(Odontoceti和Mysticeti)的分歧。鲸和座头鲸。总体而言,我们对这两个物种的发现与其他鲸类物种的发现非常相似。这表明,无论神秘动物和齿形鲸(齿鲸)在体型和身材,行为生态学和喂养策略上存在显着差异,鲸蜡类动物的眼睛都可以在昏暗的光线下适应视力,并附着于普通的“包兰”。超过3000万年前,两个鲸类亲本(Odontoceti和Mysticeti)的分歧。