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Isolation and Screening of Indigenous Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria from Different Rice Cultivars in Afghanistan Soils
Microbes and Environments ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.me18168
Safiullah Habibi 1 , Salem Djedidi 2 , Naoko Ohkama-Ohtsu 2 , Wakil Ahmad Sarhadi 1 , Katsuhiro Kojima 2 , Roland V Rallos 3 , Maria Daniela Artigas Ramirez 2 , Hiroko Yamaya 2 , Hitoshi Sekimoto 4 , Tadashi Yokoyama 2

To develop biofertilizers for rice in Afghanistan, 98 plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria were isolated from rice plants and their morphological and physiological characteristics, such as indole-3-acetic acid production, acetylene reduction, phosphate and potassium solubilization, and siderophore production, were evaluated. The genetic diversity of these bacteria was also analyzed based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. Of 98 bacteria, 89.7% produced IAA, 54.0% exhibited nitrogenase activity, and 40% showed phosphate solubilization and siderophore production. Some isolates assigned to Pseudomonas (brassicacearum, chengduensis, plecoglossicida, resinovorans, and straminea) formed a relationship with rice, and P. resinovorans and P. straminea showed nitrogen fixation. Rhizobium borbori and R. rosettiformans showed a relationship with rice plants and nitrogen fixation. Among the isolates examined, AF134 and AF137 belonging to Enterobacter ludwigii and P. putida produced large amounts of IAA (92.3 μg mL−1) and exhibited high nitrogenase activity (647.4 nmol C2H4 h−1), respectively. In the plant growth test, more than 70% of the inoculated isolates showed significantly increased root and shoot dry weights. Highly diverse bacterial isolates showing promising rice growth-promoting traits were obtained from Afghanistan alkaline soils.



为了在阿富汗开发水稻生物肥料,从水稻植物中分离出 98 种促进植物生长的根际细菌,并评估了它们的形态和生理特征,如吲哚 3-乙酸产生、乙炔还原、磷酸盐和钾的溶解以及铁载体的产生。 . 还基于16S rRNA基因序列分析了这些细菌的遗传多样性。在 98 种细菌中,89.7% 产生 IAA,54.0% 表现出固氮酶活性,40% 表现出磷酸盐溶解和铁载体产生。一些属于假单胞菌属的分离株(芸苔属、成都、plecoglossicida、resineovorans 和straminea)与水稻形成了关系,P.resinovorans 和P.straminea 表现出固氮作用。根瘤菌 borbori 和 R. rosettiformans 与水稻植株和固氮有关。在检查的分离株中,属于路德维希肠杆菌和恶臭假单胞菌的 AF134 和 AF137 分别产生大量 IAA(92.3 μg mL-1)和高固氮酶活性(647.4 nmol C2H4 h-1)。在植物生长试验中,超过 70% 的接种分离株表现出显着增加的根和芽干重。从阿富汗碱性土壤中获得了高度多样化的细菌分离物,显示出有希望的促进水稻生长的特性。超过 70% 的接种分离株表现出显着增加的根和芽干重。从阿富汗碱性土壤中获得了高度多样化的细菌分离物,显示出有希望的促进水稻生长的特性。超过 70% 的接种分离株表现出显着增加的根和芽干重。从阿富汗碱性土壤中获得了高度多样化的细菌分离物,显示出有希望的促进水稻生长的特性。