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The Implementation of Dementia Care Mapping in a Randomized Controlled Trial in Long-Term Care: Results of a Process Evaluation.
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-05 , DOI: 10.1177/1533317519845725
Claire A Surr 1 , Alys W Griffiths 1 , Rachael Kelley 1 , Ivana Holloway 2 , Rebecca E A Walwyn 2 , Adam Martin 3 , Joanne McDermid 4 , Lynn Chenoweth 5 , Amanda J Farrin 2

This study explored intervention implementation within a pragmatic, cluster randomized controlled trial of Dementia Care Mapping™ (DCM) in UK care homes. DCM is a practice development tool comprised of a 5 component cycle (staff briefing, mapping observations, data analysis and reporting, staff feedback, and action planning) that supports delivery of person-centered care. Two staff from the 31 intervention care homes were trained in DCM and asked to deliver 3 cycles over a 15-month period, supported by a DCM expert during cycle 1. Implementation data were collected after each mapping cycle. There was considerable variability in DCM implementation fidelity, dose, and reach. Not all homes trained 2 mappers on schedule, and some found it difficult to retain mappers. Only 26% of homes completed more than 1 cycle. Future DCM trials in care home settings should consider additional methods to support intervention completion including intervention delivery being conducted with ongoing external support.



本研究探讨了在英国护理院进行的一项实用的、整群随机对照痴呆护理地图™ (DCM) 试验中的干预实施情况。DCM 是一种实践开发工具,由 5 个组成部分组成(员工简报、绘图观察、数据分析和报告、员工反馈和行动规划),支持提供以人为本的护理。来自 31 家干预护理院的两名工作人员接受了 DCM 培训,并要求在 15 个月的时间内提供 3 个周期,第 1 周期由 DCM 专家提供支持。每个绘图周期后收集实施数据。DCM 实施保真度、剂量和范围存在相当大的差异。并非所有家庭都按计划培训 2 名制图员,有些家庭发现很难留住制图员。只有 26% 的家庭完成了超过 1 个周期。未来在疗养院环境中进行的 DCM 试验应考虑支持干预完成的其他方法,包括在持续的外部支持下进行干预。