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Interplay of the long axis of the hippocampus and ventromedial prefrontal cortex in schema-related memory retrieval.
Hippocampus ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-06 , DOI: 10.1002/hipo.23154
Dingrong Guo 1 , Jiongjiong Yang 1

When new information is relevant to prior knowledge or schema, it can be learned and remembered better. Rodent studies have suggested that the hippocampus and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) are important for processing schema-related information. However, there are inconsistent findings from human studies on the involvement of the hippocampus and its interaction with the vmPFC in schema-related memory retrieval. To address these issues, we used a human analog of the rodent spatial schema task to compare brain activity during immediate retrieval of paired associations (PAs) in schema-consistent and schema-inconsistent conditions. The results showed that the anterior hippocampus was more involved in retrieving PAs in the schema-consistent condition than in the schema-inconsistent condition. Connectivity analyses showed that the anterior hippocampus had stronger coupling with the vmPFC when the participants retrieved newly learned PAs successfully in the schema-consistent (vs. schema-inconsistent) condition, whereas the coupling of the posterior hippocampus with the vmPFC showed the opposite. Taken together, the results shed light on how the long axis of the hippocampus and vmPFC interact to serve memory retrieval via different networks that differ by schema condition.



当新信息与先验知识或模式相关时,可以更好地学习和记忆。啮齿动物研究表明,海马体和腹内侧前额叶皮层 (vmPFC) 对于处理与图式相关的信息很重要。然而,关于海马体的参与及其与图式相关记忆检索中的 vmPFC 相互作用的人类研究结果不一致。为了解决这些问题,我们使用啮齿动物空间模式任务的人类模拟来比较在模式一致和模式不一致条件下立即检索配对关联 (PA) 期间的大脑活动。结果表明,前海马体在模式一致条件下比在模式不一致条件下更多地参与检索 PA。连通性分析表明,当参与者在模式一致(与模式不一致)条件下成功检索新学习的 PA 时,前海马与 vmPFC 具有更强的耦合,而后海马与 vmPFC 的耦合显示相反。综上所述,这些结果阐明了海马体的长轴和 vmPFC 如何相互作用以通过因模式条件不同而不同的不同网络来服务记忆检索。