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Anthropomorphism Index of Mobility for Artificial Hands.
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-28 , DOI: 10.1155/2019/7169034
Immaculada Llop-Harillo 1 , Antonio Pérez-González 1 , Verónica Gracia-Ibáñez 1

The increasing development of anthropomorphic artificial hands makes necessary quick metrics that analyze their anthropomorphism. In this study, a human grasp experiment on the most important grasp types was undertaken in order to obtain an Anthropomorphism Index of Mobility (AIM) for artificial hands. The AIM evaluates the topology of the whole hand, joints and degrees of freedom (DoFs), and the possibility to control these DoFs independently. It uses a set of weighting factors, obtained from analysis of human grasping, depending on the relevance of the different groups of DoFs of the hand. The computation of the index is straightforward, making it a useful tool for analyzing new artificial hands in early stages of the design process and for grading human-likeness of existing artificial hands. Thirteen artificial hands, both prosthetic and robotic, were evaluated and compared using the AIM, highlighting the reasons behind their differences. The AIM was also compared with other indexes in the literature with more cumbersome computation, ranking equally different artificial hands. As the index was primarily proposed for prosthetic hands, normally used as nondominant hands in unilateral amputees, the grasp types selected for the human grasp experiment were the most relevant for the human nondominant hand to reinforce bimanual grasping in activities of daily living. However, it was shown that the effect of using the grasping information from the dominant hand is small, indicating that the index is also valid for evaluating the artificial hand as dominant and so being valid for bilateral amputees or robotic hands.



拟人化假手的不断发展使得分析其拟人化的快速指标变得必要。在这项研究中,对最重要的抓握类型进行了人体抓握实验,以获得假手的拟人化指数(AIM)。AIM 评估整个手、关节和自由度 (DoF) 的拓扑,以及独立控制这些 DoF 的可能性。它使用一组从人类抓握分析中获得的权重因子,具体取决于手部不同组自由度的相关性。该指数的计算很简单,使其成为在设计过程的早期阶段分析新假手以及对现有假手的人类相似性进行评级的有用工具。使用 AIM 对 13 只人工手(包括假肢和机器人)进行了评估和比较,突出了它们差异背后的原因。AIM还与文献中计算较为繁琐的其他指标进行了比较,对不同的人工手进行了同等程度的排名。由于该指数主要是针对假手提出的,通常用作单侧截肢者的非惯用手,因此为人类抓握实验选择的抓握类型与人类非惯用手加强日常生活活动中的双手抓握最为相关。然而,研究表明,使用优势手的抓取信息的效果很小,这表明该指数对于评估人工手是否为优势手也有效,因此对于双侧截肢者或机器人手也有效。