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The Danger of Sleep Deprivation
IEEE Pulse ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-01 , DOI: 10.1109/mpuls.2019.2922564
Jennifer Berglund

Late one spring night in 1986, around 1:30 a.m., the residents of Pripyat, a Ukrainian city of 50,000 people at the northern tip of the Dnieper River, were shaken from sleep by a giant explosion originating in the nuclear reactor of the nearby power plant in Chernobyl. It was an event that would forever change the course of their lives, and that of human history. Hundreds of people died, both directly and indirectly from the explosion, which is now regarded as the worst nuclear power plant catastrophe in history. Today, the Chernobyl power plant and Pripyat are completely abandoned, unsafe due to nuclear contamination. Within a 19-mile radius in every direction of the plant, the landscape is considered unfit for human life for the next 50,000 years. And the cause? Well, when the dust settled, it was a simple condition we all suffer from time to time: an error caused by a worker with too little sleep.



1986 年的一个春夜,凌晨 1 点 30 分左右,位于第聂伯河北端、拥有 5 万人口的乌克兰城市普里皮亚季 (Pripyat) 的居民被附近核反应堆引发的巨大爆炸惊醒。切尔诺贝利工厂。这是一个将永远改变他们生活和人类历史进程的事件。数百人直接和间接死于爆炸,现在被认为是历史上最严重的核电站灾难。今天,切尔诺贝利发电厂和普里皮亚季完全被废弃,由于核污染而变得不安全。在植物各个方向 19 英里半径内,该景观被认为不适合未来 50,000 年的人类生活。原因呢?那么,当尘埃落定,