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Short-term memory based on activated long-term memory: A review in response to Norris (2017).
Psychological Bulletin ( IF 22.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1037/bul0000199
Nelson Cowan 1

Short-term memory (STM), the limited information temporarily in a state of heightened accessibility, includes just-presented events and recently retrieved information. Norris (2017) argued for a prominent class of theories in which STM depends on the brain keeping a separate copy of new information, and against alternatives in which the information is held only in a portion of long-term memory (LTM) that is currently activated (aLTM). Here I question premises of Norris' case for separate-copy theories in the following ways. (a) He did not allow for implications of the common assumption (e.g., Cowan, 1999; Cowan & Chen, 2009) that aLTM can include new, rapidly formed LTM records of a trial within an STM task. (b) His conclusions from pathological cases of impaired STM along with intact LTM are tenuous; these rare cases can be explained by impairments in encoding, processing, or retrieval related to LTM rather than passive maintenance. (c) Although Norris reasonably allowed structured pointers to aLTM instead of separate copies of the actual item representations in STM, the same structured pointers may well be involved in long-term learning. (d) Last, models of STM storage can serve as the front end of an LTM learning system rather than being separate. I summarize evidence for these premises and an updated version of an alternative theory in which storage depends on aLTM (newly clarified), and, embedded within it, information enhanced by the current focus of attention (Cowan, 1988, 1999), with no need for a separate STM copy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).


基于激活的长期记忆的短期记忆:对 Norris (2017) 的评论。

短期记忆(STM)是暂时处于高度可访问状态的有限信息,包括刚刚呈现的事件和最近检索的信息。Norris (2017) 主张一类著名的理论,其中 STM 依赖于大脑保存新信息的单独副本,并反对另一种理论,即信息仅保存在当前长期记忆 (LTM) 的一部分中。激活(aLTM)。在这里,我通过以下方式质疑诺里斯的单独副本理论案例的前提。(a) 他没有考虑到常见假设(例如,Cowan,1999;Cowan & Chen,2009)的含义,即 aLTM 可以在 STM 任务中包含新的、快速形成的试验 LTM 记录。(b) 他从 STM 受损和 LTM 完整的病理病例中得出的结论是站不住脚的;这些罕见的情况可以用与 LTM 相关的编码、处理或检索受损来解释,而不是被动维护。(c) 尽管 Norris 合理地允许指向 aLTM 的结构化指针,而不是 STM 中实际项目表示的单独副本,但相同的结构化指针很可能参与长期学习。(d) 最后,STM 存储模型可以作为 LTM 学习系统的前端,而不是单独的。我总结了这些前提的证据和替代理论的更新版本,其中存储取决于 aLTM(新澄清),并且嵌入其中的信息由当前关注焦点增强(Cowan,1988,1999),无需获取单独的 STM 副本。(PsycINFO 数据库记录 (c) 2019 APA,保留所有权利)。