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Erratum to: ExCAPE-DB: an integrated large scale dataset facilitating Big Data analysis in chemogenomics.
Journal of Cheminformatics ( IF 8.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-14 , DOI: 10.1186/s13321-017-0222-2
Jiangming Sun 1 , Nina Jeliazkova 2 , Vladimir Chupakhin 3 , Jose-Felipe Golib-Dzib 4 , Ola Engkvist 1 , Lars Carlsson 1 , Jörg Wegner 3 , Hugo Ceulemans 3 , Ivan Georgiev 2 , Vedrin Jeliazkov 2 , Nikolay Kochev 2, 5 , Thomas J Ashby 6 , Hongming Chen 1

After publication of this work [1], it was noticed that the author’s name was spelt incorrectly. His name should be spelt as: Vladimir Chupakhin. The ‘h’ was missing from his surname.

The publisher apologises for these errors.

The original article has been updated.

  1. 1.

    Sun J, Jeliazkova N, Chupakhin V, Golib-Dzib J-F, Engkvist O, Carlsson L et al (2017) ExCAPE-DB: an integrated large scale dataset facilitating Big Data analysis in chemogenomics. J Cheminform 9:17

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  1. Discovery Sciences, Innovative Medicines and Early Development Biotech Unit, AstraZeneca R&D Gothenburg, 43183, Mölndal, Sweden

    Jiangming Sun, Ola Engkvist, Lars Carlsson & Hongming Chen

  2. Ideaconsult Ltd., 4. Angel Kanchev Str., 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria

    Nina Jeliazkova, Ivan Georgiev, Vedrin Jeliazkov & Nikolay Kochev

  3. Computational Biology, Discovery Sciences, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Turnhoutseweg 30, 2349, Beerse, Belgium

    Vladimir Chupakhin, Jörg Wegner & Hugo Ceulemans

  4. Computational Biology, Discovery Sciences, Janssen Cilag SA, Calle Río Jarama, 71A, 45007, Toledo, Spain

    Jose-Felipe Golib-Dzib

  5. Department of Analytical Chemistry and Computer Chemistry, University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

    Nikolay Kochev

  6. Imec vzw, Kappeldreef 75, 3001, Louvain, Belgium

    Thomas J. Ashby

  1. Jiangming SunView author publications

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  3. Vladimir ChupakhinView author publications

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  4. Jose-Felipe Golib-DzibView author publications

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  5. Ola EngkvistView author publications

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  6. Lars CarlssonView author publications

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  7. Jörg WegnerView author publications

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  8. Hugo CeulemansView author publications

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  9. Ivan GeorgievView author publications

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  10. Vedrin JeliazkovView author publications

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  13. Hongming ChenView author publications

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Correspondence to Jiangming Sun or Hongming Chen.

The online version of the original article can be found under doi:10.1186/s13321-017-0203-5.

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Sun, J., Jeliazkova, N., Chupakhin, V. et al. Erratum to: ExCAPE-DB: an integrated large scale dataset facilitating Big Data analysis in chemogenomics. J Cheminform 9, 41 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13321-017-0222-2

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该作品发表后[ 1 ],注意到作者的名字拼写错误。他的名字应该写为:Vladimir Chupakhin。他的姓氏中没有'h'。



  1. 1。

    Sun J,Jeliazkova N,Chupakhin V,Golib-Dzib JF,Engkvist O,Carlsson L等人(2017)ExCAPE-DB:集成的大规模数据集,有助于化学基因组学中的大数据分析。化学文摘9:17

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  1. 发现科学,创新药物和早期开发生物技术部门,阿斯利康研发中心,哥德堡,43183,瑞典默恩达尔

    孙江明,欧拉(Ola Engkvist),拉斯·卡尔森(Lars Carlsson)和陈宏明

  2. Ideaconsult Ltd.,4. Angel Kanchev Str。,1000,Sofia,Bulgaria

    妮娜(Nina Jeliazkova),伊凡(Ivan Georgiev),韦德林(Vedrin Jeliazkov)和尼古拉·科切夫(Nikolay Kochev)

  3. 计算生物学,发现科学,Janssen Pharmaceutica NV,Turnhoutseweg 30,2349,比利时比尔

    弗拉基米尔·乔帕钦(Vladimir Chupakhin),约格·韦格纳(JörgWegner)和雨果·塞勒曼斯

  4. 计算生物学,发现科学,Janssen Cilag SA,CalleRíoJarama,71A,45007,西班牙托莱多


  5. 保加利亚普罗夫迪夫大学普罗夫迪夫大学分析化学与计算机化学系

    尼古拉·科切夫(Nikolay Kochev)

  6. Imec vzw,Kappeldreef 75,3001,Louvain,Belgium


  1. 孙江明查看作者出版物

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  2. Nina Jeliazkova查看作者出版物

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  4. Jose-Felipe Golib-Dzib查看作者出版物

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  5. Ola Engkvist查看作者出版物

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  9. Ivan Georgiev查看作者出版物

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  10. Vedrin Jeliazkov查看作者出版物

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  11. Nikolay Kochev查看作者出版物

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  13. 陈洪明查看作者出版物

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原始文章的在线版本可在doi:10.1186 / s13321-017-0203-5下找到。





Sun,J.,Jeliazkova,N.,Chupakhin,V。等。勘误至:ExCAPE-DB:集成的大规模数据集,有助于化学基因组学中的大数据分析。ĴCheminform 9, 41(2017)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13321-017-0222-2

