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In Space and Time: Territorial Animals are Attracted to Conspecific Chemical Cues
Ethology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-19 , DOI: 10.1111/eth.12582
Stephanie M Campos 1 , Chloe Strauss 1 , Emília P Martins 1

Territorial animals lay scent marks around their territories to broadcast their presence, but these olfactory signals can both attract and repel con-specifics. Attraction or aversion can have a profound impact in terms of space use and thereby influence an individual's access to resources and mates. Here, we test the impact of chemical signals on the long-term space use and activity of receivers, comparing the response of males and females, territory holders, and temporary visitors in Sceloporus undulatus lizards in the field. We placed either male femoral gland secretions (chemical) or blank (control) cues on resident male landmarks, repeatedly over 5 d, while monitoring the activity and location of all lizards in the vicinity. We found that resident males and females, but not non-resident males, were active on more days near landmarks treated with chemical cues than landmarks treated with control cues. Non-resident males remained closer to chemical than control cues. These results suggest that territorial scent marks are attractive to conspecifics and impact space use, but that the specific effects depend on receiver sex and residency status. Such subtle or gradual changes in behavior may frequently be overlooked by short-term choice experiments. Future studies investigating the behavioral significance of a communicative signal should consider these finer details of behavior for a more comprehensive assessment.



领地动物在它们的领地周围放置气味标记来传播它们的存在,但这些嗅觉信号既可以吸引也可以排斥同类。吸引力或厌恶会对空间使用产生深远的影响,从而影响个人对资源和伴侣的获取。在这里,我们测试了化学信号对接收器长期空间使用和活动的影响,比较了野外 Sceloporus undulatus 蜥蜴的雄性和雌性、领地持有者和临时访客的反应。我们将雄性股腺分泌物(化学)或空白(对照)线索放置在常驻雄性地标上,重复超过 5 天,同时监测附近所有蜥蜴的活动和位置。我们发现常住男性和女性,而不是非常住男性,与用对照线索处理的地标相比,在用化学线索处理的地标附近活跃的天数更多。非居民男性比对照线索更接近化学物质。这些结果表明,领土气味标记对同种物种具有吸引力并影响空间使用,但具体影响取决于接收者的性别和居住状况。短期选择实验可能经常忽略这种细微或渐进的行为变化。未来调查交流信号的行为意义的研究应该考虑这些更精细的行为细节,以便进行更全面的评估。但具体影响取决于接收者的性别和居住状况。短期选择实验可能经常忽略这种细微或渐进的行为变化。未来调查交流信号的行为意义的研究应该考虑这些更精细的行为细节,以便进行更全面的评估。但具体影响取决于接收者的性别和居住状况。短期选择实验可能经常忽略这种细微或渐进的行为变化。未来调查交流信号的行为意义的研究应该考虑这些更精细的行为细节,以便进行更全面的评估。