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Prevalence and Correlates of Physical Dating Violence Among North American Indigenous Adolescents
Youth & Society ( IF 2.793 ) Pub Date : 2016-08-03 , DOI: 10.1177/0044118x14559503
Dane S Hautala 1 , Kelley J Sittner Hartshorn 2 , Brian Armenta 3 , Les Whitbeck 1

This study examined the lifetime prevalence of physical dating violence, including victimization, perpetration, and the overlap between the two (mutual violence), among a population sample of 551 reservation/reserve residing Indigenous (i.e., American Indian and Canadian First Nations) adolescents in the upper-Midwest of the United States and Canada. Potential correlates of four dating violence profiles (i.e., no dating violence, perpetration only, victimization only, and mutual violence) relevant to this population also were considered. The clearest pattern to emerge from multinomial logistic regression analyses suggested that adolescents who engage in problem behaviors, exhibit high levels of anger, and perceive high levels of discrimination have increased odds of lifetime mutual dating violence relative to those reporting no dating violence. Furthermore, gender comparisons indicated that females were more likely to report being perpetrators only, whereas males were more likely to report being victims only. Considerations of dating violence profiles and culturally relevant prevention strategies are discussed.



本研究调查了 551 名保留地/保留地原住民(即美国印第安人和加拿大原住民)青少年的人口样本,调查了身体约会暴力的终生流行率,包括受害、犯罪和两者之间的重叠(相互暴力)。美国和加拿大的中西部北部。还考虑了与该人群相关的四种约会暴力概况(即,无约会暴力、仅犯罪、仅受害和相互暴力)的潜在关联。从多项逻辑回归分析中得出的最清晰模式表明,与没有报告约会暴力行为的青少年相比,有问题行为、表现出高度愤怒和高度歧视的青少年一生中发生相互约会暴力的几率增加。此外,性别比较表明,女性更有可能报告只是肇事者,而男性更有可能报告只是受害者。讨论了约会暴力概况和与文化相关的预防策略的考虑。