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Early adolescent adversity inflates threat estimation in females and promotes alcohol use initiation in both sexes.
Behavioral Neuroscience ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-5-29 , DOI: 10.1037/bne0000239
Rachel A Walker 1 , Christopher Andreansky 1 , Madelyn H Ray 1 , Michael A McDannald 1

Childhood adversity is associated with exaggerated threat processing and earlier alcohol use initiation. Conclusive links remain elusive, as childhood adversity typically co-occurs with detrimental socioeconomic factors, and its impact is likely moderated by biological sex. To unravel the complex relationships among childhood adversity, sex, threat estimation, and alcohol use initiation, we exposed female and male Long-Evans rats to early adolescent adversity (EAA). In adulthood, >50 days following the last adverse experience, threat estimation was assessed using a novel fear discrimination procedure in which cues predict a unique probability of footshock: danger (p = 1.00), uncertainty (p = .25), and safety (p = .00). Alcohol use initiation was assessed using voluntary access to 20% ethanol, >90 days following the last adverse experience. During development, EAA slowed body weight gain in both females and males. In adulthood, EAA selectively inflated female threat estimation, exaggerating fear to uncertainty and safety, but promoted alcohol use initiation across sexes. Meaningful relationships between threat estimation and alcohol use initiation were not observed, underscoring the independent effects of EAA. Results isolate the contribution of EAA to adult threat estimation, alcohol use initiation, and reveal moderation by biological sex. (PsycINFO Database Record



童年的逆境与夸大的威胁处理和较早的酗酒有关。结论性的联系仍然难以捉摸,因为儿童时期的逆境通常与有害的社会经济因素同时发生,其影响很可能由生物性别减轻。为了揭示儿童逆境,性别,威胁估计和饮酒开始之间的复杂关系,我们将雌性和雄性Long-Evans大鼠暴露于青春期早期逆境(EAA)。在成年期,在最近一次不良经历后> 50天,使用新颖的恐惧歧视程序评估威胁评估,其中线索提示了发生触电的独特可能性:危险(p = 1.00),不确定性(p = .25)和安全性( p = .00)。在最近一次不良经历后的90天以上,通过自愿获取20%的乙醇来评估开始使用酒精的情况。在发育过程中,EAA减缓了男性和女性的体重增加。在成年期,EAA选择性地夸大了女性威胁估计,夸大了人们对不确定性和安全性的恐惧,但促进了男女之间开始使用酒精。没有观察到威胁估计和开始饮酒之间的有意义的关系,强调了EAA的独立作用。结果将EAA对成人威胁评估,饮酒的引发,以及通过生物学性别揭示的适度隔离。(PsycINFO数据库记录 没有观察到威胁估计和开始饮酒之间的有意义的关系,强调了EAA的独立作用。结果将EAA对成人威胁评估,饮酒的引发,以及通过生物学性别揭示的适度隔离。(PsycINFO数据库记录 没有观察到威胁估计和开始饮酒之间的有意义的关系,强调了EAA的独立作用。结果将EAA对成人威胁评估,饮酒的引发,以及通过生物学性别揭示的适度隔离。(PsycINFO数据库记录