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Empirical Tidal Dissipation in Exoplanet Hosts From Tidal Spin-up
The Astronomical Journal ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-21 , DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/aaaf71
Kaloyan Penev 1 , L G Bouma 2 , Joshua N Winn 2 , Joel D Hartman 2

Stars with hot Jupiters tend to be rotating faster than other stars of the same age and mass. This trend has been attributed to tidal interactions between the star and planet. A constraint on the dissipation parameter Q ⋆ ' follows from the assumption that tides have managed to spin up the star to the observed rate within the age of the system. This technique was applied previously to HATS-18 and WASP-19. Here we analyze the sample of all 188 known hot Jupiters with an orbital period <3.5 days and a "cool" host star (T eff < 6100K). We find evidence that the tidal dissipation parameter ( Q ⋆ ' ) increases sharply with forcing frequency, from 105 at 0.5 day-1 to 107 at 2 day-1. This helps to resolve a number of apparent discrepancies between studies of tidal dissipation in binary stars, hot Jupiters, and warm Jupiters. It may also allow for a hot Jupiter to damp the obliquity of its host star prior to being destroyed by tidal decay.



带有热木星的恒星往往比同龄和质量的其他恒星旋转得更快。这种趋势归因于恒星和行星之间的潮汐相互作用。对耗散参数 Q ⋆ ' 的约束来自于潮汐已经设法将恒星旋转到系统年龄内观测到的速率的假设。该技术以前应用于 HATS-18 和 WASP-19。在这里,我们分析了所有 188 颗已知的热木星样本,它们的轨道周期<3.5 天,并且有一颗“冷”宿主星(T eff < 6100K)。我们发现潮汐耗散参数 (Q ⋆ ' ) 随强迫频率急剧增加的证据,从第 1 天 0.5 时的 105 增加到第 2 天时的 107。这有助于解决双星、热木星和暖木星潮汐耗散研究之间的许多明显差异。