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Converse theorems and the local Langlands correspondence in families
Inventiones mathematicae ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s00222-018-0816-y
David Helm 1 , Gilbert Moss 2

We prove a descent criterion for certain families of smooth representations of $${\text {GL}}_n(F)$$GLn(F) (F a p-adic field) in terms of the $$\gamma $$γ-factors of pairs constructed in Moss (Int Math Res Not 2016(16):4903–4936, 2016). We then use this descent criterion, together with a theory of $$\gamma $$γ-factors for families of representations of the Weil group $$W_F$$WF (Helm and Moss in Deligne–Langlands gamma factors in families, arXiv:1510.08743v3, 2015), to prove a series of conjectures, due to the first author, that give a complete description of the center of the category of smooth $$W(k)[{\text {GL}}_n(F)]$$W(k)[GLn(F)]-modules (the so-called “integral Bernstein center”) in terms of Galois theory and the local Langlands correspondence. An immediate consequence is the conjectural “local Langlands correspondence in families” of Emerton and Helm (Ann Sci Éc Norm Supér (4) 47(4):655–722, 2014).



我们根据 $$\gamma $$γ 证明 $${\text {GL}}_n(F)$$GLn(F) (F a p-adic 场)的某些平滑表示系列的下降标准-Moss 中构造的对的因子(Int Math Res Not 2016(16):4903–4936, 2016)。然后,我们使用这个下降标准,以及 Weil 群 $$W_F$$WF 表示族的 $$\gamma $$γ-因子理论(Deligne-Langlands 族中的伽马因子中的 Helm 和 Moss,arXiv: 1510.08743v3, 2015),证明第一作者的一系列猜想,完整描述了光滑 $$W(k)[{\text {GL}}_n(F) 类别的中心]$$W(k)[GLn(F)]-伽罗瓦理论和局部朗兰兹对应关系中的模(所谓的“积分伯恩斯坦中心”)。直接的结果是埃默顿和赫尔姆推测的“家庭中的当地朗兰通信”(Ann Sci Éc Norm Supér (4) 47(4):655–722, 2014)。